
Hydra Ensemble have translated our interview with IWW members Todd Hamilton and Nate Holdren, published in Issue 1 of Turbulence - all the way back in 2007. It's available online here:

InIssue 1, published in June 2007, Turbulence carried an interview with IWW members, Todd Hamilton and Nate Holdren, titled ‘Compositional Power‘. We are pleased to report that it has now been translated and published by the Dutch collective,Hydra Ensemble. It is available online here.

Thanks to everyone who took part in our workshop yesterday at the University of Nottingham's Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice. We tried to set out some of the ideas we're organising our forthcoming book around. And for us at least, it was a great day!

‘How deep do the current political, economic, ecological and other crises run?’, ‘Why do the range of remedies on offer not seem fit for purpose?’, ‘What roles might recent movements – from the Arab Spring to #Occupy – play in finding ways out of this impasse?’, ‘What are the main challenges movemen...

We're running a workshop at the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice at the University of Nottingham next week (Weds. 30 May; 12.00 - 16.00.) It'd be great to see some of you there!

‘How deep do the current political, economic, ecological and other crises run?’, ‘Why do the range of remedies on offer not seem fit for purpose?’, ‘What roles might recent movements – from the Arab Spring to #Occupy – play in finding ways out of this impasse?’, ‘What are the main challenges movemen...

"Who is leading whom, how and where today?: Leadership and Social Movements in the Current Crisis", a seminar with Turbulence editor, Ben Trott, at the University of Nottingham's Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice. (Monday 21 May, 4pm)…/who-is-leading-whom,-how-and-…

Leadership and Social Movements in the Current Crisis

‘Stronger are the powers of the people’: Film and Discussion Event curated by Turbulence Editor, Rodrigo Nunes, Berlin 24-26 February

The following event has been curated by Turbulence editor, Rodrigo Nunes, and will take place in Berlin from 24-26 February.

"When I first read the magazine, Turbulence, ideas for movement, I thought that's a great name for a dance. Check it out: Turbulence (a dance about the economy)" - Keith Hennessy

Performer/collaborators: Jassem Hindi (France/Lebanon), Julie Phelps, Emily Leap, Laura Arrington, Jesse Hewit, Jorge De Hoyos, Hana Erdman, Gabriel Todd, Ruairi O'Donovan (Ireland), Karina Sarkissova (Sweden), Jupiter Knows, Keith Hennessy plus special guests.

John Holloway's Preface to our book, What Would it Mean to Win?, has now been published online for the first time.

I shouldn’t be here doing this, and yet I can’t resist it, the honour of it. Turbulence is exciting. It’s the restlessness of it, the itchiness of it, the refusal to rest on laurels, to be satisfied, the constant re-thinking, re-posing of the problems, the going beyond itself, the moving beyond move...
Turbulence editor Rodrigo Nunes will take part in a debate called What does changing the world mean today? in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Also in the debate, which is part of a two-day seminar by the same name, will be Giuseppe Cocco and Norman Madarasz. The debate, in Portuguese, can be watched online at...
With the #OccupyEverything movement spreading, we would have loved to have been able to drop off copies of the magazine for folks to read – especially with libraries popping up at occupations in New York, London and elsewhere. But we can’t get copies everywhere, and issues 1, 3 and 4 are out of prin...
Turbulence have signed the following statement. An article by Ana Sofia Suarez and Shimri Zameret, published on the Guardian’s Comment is Free site a few days ago, explained, “The following manifesto was produced over four months through consultation among groups, activists and people’s assemblies i...

En ny svensk antologi 'I Stundens Hetta', om de senaste tio årens radikala vänsterpolitik, innehåller texter av Turbulence och 50 andra författare // There's a new Swedish anthology out now, 'In the Heat of the Moment', on the last ten years of radical left politics. The book contains texts by Turbulence and over 50 other authors

Stormötet mot nedskärningar som tar över hela torget. Maskerade ungdomar med gatstenar som tvingar polisen på flykt. Studenterna som blockerar stadens infrastruktur. Toppmötet som slutar i kao...
Like many around the world, Turbulence have followed attentively what has happened in Bolivia in the last decade. From the Water War in 2000 to the Gas War in 2003, to Evo Morales’ election and re-election in 2005 and 2009, the country has been one of the most interesting political laboratories in t...

Two of our editors have an article on the Guardian's Comment is Free page today, looking at the crisis of social reproduction

David Harvie and Keir Milburn: The financial meltdown, climate change, Arab spring and Greek protests should have taught us one thing: markets don't work

On only the second occasion since the very dawn of time, Turbulence will be having a face-to-face, all in a room together, no weird technology involved, old-school style meeting this weekend. We're thinking about our next potential project...

Over the next two weeks, two events will be held in Berlin featuring editors of Turbulence: Ideas for Movement. Both events will take place in English with German translation.

Radical Philosophy (Issue 169, Sept/Oct 2011) reviews our 'What Would it Mean to Win?' book