Over the last few months, we’ve received a number of enquiries about who we and where we come from. Here’s a bit of background information for the curious…
The Turbulence collective first came together in the (northern-hemisphere) spring of 2006, although many of us knew each other and had worked together before that.
Our number has fluctuated between 7 and 9 members. At times the collective is tight-knit: small and almost perfectly formed (if not informed). Occasionally it borders on the dysfunctional. More often, it cycles between these two extremes.
We live variously in Berlin, Leeds, London, Porto Alegre and North Carolina.
To be kept informed about future projects, and to receive Calls for Papers for future publications, sign up to our newsletter (if you have difficulties, write to us at the address below). You can also find us on Facebook via the widget to the right of this article and on Twitter @turbulence_mag
Turbulence are: David Harvie, Keir Milburn, Tadzio Mueller, Rodrigo Nunes, Michal Osterweil, Kay Summer and Ben Trott.
We can be contacted at editors[at]turbulence.org.uk
A complete bibliography of Turbulence articles, texts and statements can be found here.
We are currently working on a book on organisation/organising in the crisis.
Some of the projects some of us have cooperated on in the past include
- Shut Them Down!: The G8, Gleneagles 2005 and the Movement of Movements (Autonomedia: 2005)
- A special issue of the International Social Sciences Journal on ‘open spaces’ and the World Social Forum
- The Free Association
- A special issue of the journal ephemera: theory and politics in organization on ‘immaterial’ and ‘affective’ labour
- The Justice for Cleaners campaign
- The Camp for Climate Action
Turbulence magazine ISSN: 1754-2367
Turbulence PM Press book ISBN: 978-1-60486-110-5 (Book details here.)
Turbulence is listed in the Alternative Press Index (API). Our API directory entry can be found here. The API is also available via EBSCO Publishing and online research database here.