Turbulence 1
The Turbulence collective produced 7,000 copies of a free 32-page newspaper distributed at the camps, blockades and alternative summits that made up the mobilisation against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm in June 2007. The theme of the 14 articles from individuals and groups from across the world tackled the difficult question of ‘What would it mean to win?’.
We still have a few copies left. Drop us a line (editors[at]turbulence.org.uk) if you’d like one, or alternatively download it here in the original tabloid format (289 x 380mm) or in a journal format (152 x 229mm)
For more on the background to Heiligendamm, lessons and responses, see this page
Translations of various articles are available here
UPDATE, MARCH 2010: The articles published in this issue have now been reprinted, along with our text ‘Move into the Light?‘ and a previously unpublished interview with two Turbulence editors, in the new book ‘What Would it Mean to Win?’ For more information, click here.
Are we winning? Turbulence Collective
Politics in an age of fantasy Stephen Duncombe
Enclosing the enclosers Gustavo Esteva
Singularisation of the common Sandro Mezzadra & Gigi Roggero
A new weather front Paul Sumburn
Money for nothing? Max Henninger
Walking in the right direction? Ben Trott
Organise local, strike global Valery Alzaga & Rodrigo Nunes
Solidarity economics Euclides André Mance
Compositional power Todd Hamilton & Nate Holdren
‘Becoming-Woman?’ In theory or in practice? Michal Osterweil
Politicising sadness Colectivo Situaciones
Worlds in motion The Free Association
Commonism Nick Dyer-Witherford
The crazy before the new Harry Halpin & Kay Summer
All articles (except the piece by Stephen Duncombe) are published under a Creative Commons Attribution Non -Commercial Share-Alike licence. You are free to share or remix as long as you attribute it to Turbulence and the author; you may not use this work for commercial purposes; you may only distribute under the same conditions. More details from http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ The article by Stephen Duncombe is an extract from Dream: Re-imagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy, ©2007 Stephen Duncombe
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