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Did Mark Hamill give away The Last Jedi plot twist during 1980s interview?

Hold onto your lightsabers, because the internet just dug up the equivalent of Star Wars gold. 

Almost four decades ago, just before The Return of the Jedi hit cinemas, Mark Hamill (aka Luke Skywalker) conducted numerous interviews to promote the final instalment of the original Star Wars trilogy. And one of them, picked up by The Hollywood Reporter, might just have given away the plot twist for the upcoming film The Last Jedi

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Spoiler alert: Mark Hamill spills the beans?

Vision has emerged of an interview with Mark Hamill from the 1980s in which he reveals George Lucas' ultimate plans for Luke Skywalker.

Fans have been working themselves into a frenzy at the possibility that Rey, played by Daisy Ridley, could be Luke Skywalker's daughter ever since The Force Awakens hit cinemas in 2015. 

According to a popular theory, Skywalker abandoned Rey on Jakku and went into hiding after Kylo Ren murdered the new crop of jedi. The family link would explain Rey's force sensitivities, as well as how she managed to find and wield Skywalker's lightsaber. 

Ridley has, of course, remained tight-lipped when it comes to any spoilers - even when she was ambushed by fellow cast members while working on another film.

As it turns out, she might not have to worry about letting important plot slip any more. Mark Hamill might have beaten her to it - well before the actress was even born. 


In a 1983 interview with film critic Gene Siskel for Chicago CBS News, Hamill hinted that Luke Skywalker would be brought back as a father once the prequels were done and dusted. 

"George has talked to me marginally about doing something at the turn of the century in the last [third] trilogy," he said. "But it wouldn't be the same plane of existence, if you know what I mean."

"What it sounds like is he offered you a job to play a father to Luke Jr around the year 2006," Siskel replied. 

"You're a very clever man, Mr Siskel," Hamill responded with a knowing grin.

The Last Jedi is due to hit cinemas on December 15.