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Drone footage of WA bowls club creates optical illusion

Heather McNeill

Published: April 26 2017 - 7:24AM

Drone footage shot at a WA bowls club has got the internet in a twist over an apparent "optical illusion".

The video, shot by Josh Carr from Carr and Drone at Merredin Bowling Club on Sunday, captures around 60 bowlers taking part in what's known as a 'spider' bowl, where each person bowls simultaneously at the jack in the middle of the pitch.

The shadows of the bowlers have led some to think the video was an animation. 

"Left me so confused when I first saw it," wrote one Reddit user. 

"I thought everyone had a little dog with them," wrote another, referring to the people's heads at the tip of their shadows. 

Mr Carr said he took the footage around 9am. 

"I was given permission to take this snap over the local bowling club this morning," he said.  

"To kick of the tournament there is about 100 bowlers that line the edge of the green.

"A kitty is placed in the middle and the aim is to get as close as you can - winner gets $250.

"On the count of five, they all bowl. This is the shot taken as the bowlers were walking in to see who the winner was."

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This story was found at: http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/drone-footage-of-wa-bowls-club-creates-optical-illusion-20170425-gvrvyn.html