Welcome to Nuclear Diner!
What are you looking for? Civilian power reactors, nuclear weapons, space nuclear power, medical isotopes, nonproliferation, Iranian fuel elements, and Russian oligarchs, we’ve got them! Oh, and if you stick around for a while, you can help cleaning up Hanford and Fukushima.

We’re tired of the standard arguments. We are looking for new thinking on nuclear and hope to offer up some ourselves. We need nuclear power to lower carbon dioxide emissions. But it takes forever to build and costs more every year. What can be done about that?

Or how about Russia, formerly known as the Soviet Union and our deadly enemy? Can we all get along? We’ve agreed that we need many fewer nuclear weapons, but disposing of them takes time. And there are many more to go. Or that sore point, missile defense. Expensive scam?

Does Iran want nuclear weapons or the ability to manufacture them quickly? India and Pakistan continue to glare at each other, nukes in hand.

So sit down, have a cup of coffee, and let’s chat.

Molly, Susan, and Cheryl run the place. We all have experience in nuclear issues and have worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and in countries of the former Soviet Union.

Molly Cernicek is CEO of SportXast, a company building tools to make capturing, sharing and managing sports video simple. She was a co-founder of Volius Networks, a global telecom company based on Russian technology. She was one of a small, multi-DOE-Lab group, that started the Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention program that paired DOE national labs to Russian weapons institutes to identify commercial technology opportunities in the 1990s.

Susan Voss is a nuclear engineer and has worked on space nuclear reactors with the Russians.

Cheryl Rofer is a chemist and has worked on environmental projects in Estonia and Kazakhstan.