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What we get wrong about work-life balance

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When we talk about work-life balance, it's usually framed as juggling the competing demands of family and work.

People without children have personal obligations too, but it's often assumed they don't struggle with work-life balance to the same extent.

But work-life balance isn't just about how much time you spend at the office versus at home or in lifestyle activities.

It's also about how deliberate rest enhances your ability to do your best work. 

I've just finished reading a fascinating book called Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, which looks at how to create and sustain creativity.

Rest is defined broadly. Pang includes daydreaming, walking, napping, sleeping, vacations, exercise, deep play and sabbaticals. He could easily have included meditation, which has a weight of scientific evidence behind it, and is discussed on his blog.


For Pang, work is not just what you do for a living, but also study and personal creative endeavours such as writing a book.

The book intertwines scientific research with anecdotal information about the lives of great people to make a compelling case for the importance of rest.

It turns out quite a few of our civilisation's highest achievers only work four to five hours a day - figures as different as novelist Charles Dickens, scientist Charles Darwin, and director Ingmar Bergman.

(Note, most of his examples throughout the book are men, though he does sprinkle mentions of women such as geneticist Barbara McClintock or novelists Alice Munro and Joyce Carol Oates).

Darwin was passionate and driven. While aboard the HMS Beagle he wrote to his sister that "a man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life".

But Darwin did his work in three 90-minute intervals, interspersed by long walks in the countryside and naps. It's clear he did not believe he was wasting his time.

Of course, being a gentleman scholar, even an ambitious one, is hardly a pressure-cooked environment.

But take Britain's wartime prime minister Winston Churchill. He was apparently rigid about taking a daily afternoon nap followed by a bath, even during the darkest days of the war.

The common thread is the understanding that more work doesn't lead to better work – it's the nexus between deliberate practice and deliberate rest that creates great work.

Thanks to books like Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers, we've come to believe it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become truly great at something.

Gladwell's thesis is based partly on a study by Karl Anders Ericsson, Ralf Krampe and Clemens Tesch-Römer of violin students at a conservatory in Berlin in the 1980s.

It found that the great students practised more than the average – adding up to that magic four hours a day - and they practised more deliberately.

But the researchers also observed that the best students rested more deliberately. The top performers slept an hour a day more than the average because they napped during the day, and they were more accurate at estimating how much leisure time they had and what they did with it.

So it's more accurate to say that world-class performance comes after 10,000 hours of deliberate practice, 12,500 hours of deliberate rest, and 30,000 hours of sleep.

The evidence for the benefits of napping is compelling. The book recounts several studies showing improved cognitive performance from naps.

Most of us don't have jobs where we can take a kip – though if the weather conditions are right, you'll often see office workers dozing off in the city parks at lunch time.

Napping has been in vogue in Silicon Valley for a while, with the likes of Google and Uber and, more surprisingly, PricewaterhouseCoopers offering "nap pods" or other sleeping facilities.

But if it's not an option for you, there are also studies showing that taking a walk can be just as good. The cognitive boost is the same even if it's walking on a treadmill.

My favourite chapter is about "deep play", a term popularised by anthropologist Clifford Geertz. This is activity that is mentally absorbing, uses your skills, provides clear rewards and a living connection to your past.

It might be painting, as it was for Churchill, sailing or mountain climbing. For me right now, it's learning music as a novice and singing in the Welcome Choir, a community choir in inner-city Sydney.

Pang contends that rest is a skill, but there's no formula. The book has made me think more deeply about how I spend my leisure time.

The two weeks I just spent mainlining Billions on video streaming service Stan (owned by Fairfax, publisher of the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age) did not recharge me. That's not deliberate rest.

But the bushwalk I did with my family on Sunday in Sydney Harbour National Park ticked all the boxes. Exercise, family time, and immersion in nature.

I feel better and I'm sure I'm doing better work this week because of it.

Now that's work–life balance.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is the editor of Money. She writes a weekly column about the psychology of money and fortnightly on our lives at work. Connect with her on Facebook or Twitter.