Repair individual teeth with cracks, chips, gaps or discoloration by composite bonding

This patient chipped off a portion of her upper right front tooth (central incisor). The area was sharp and misshapen.


The tooth has been restored to its original shape and color.




Composite Bonding: Details
Composite bonding can repair chipped teeth, close spaces between teeth, replace missing tooth structure, or cover discoloration.


Dr. Loos can accurately reconstruct teeth using state-of-the-art computer imaging and patient photos. She can also run appearance simulations for patients to see what their smiles will look like before any work is started!

In keeping with the highest ethical standards, we have not touched-up or otherwise altered the appearance of these photographs in any way. The colors or shades thereof may appear different depending on the browser and/or monitor you use. All photos reflect cases that Dr. Kimberly Loos has personally completed.

Dentist - San Jose
Junipero Serra Medical-Dental Plaza
4110 Moorpark Avenue, Suite B
San Jose, CA 95117