The inflation figure is good for the RBA but not the rest of us

Consumers haven't been this downbeat since the beginning of 2016.
Consumers haven't been this downbeat since the beginning of 2016. Peter Braig

For a central bank putting financial stability as its major priority right now, the latest inflation numbers are a welcome sign for the Reserve Bank of Australia.

But for everyone else the first quarter report wasn't such good reading.

Inflation is still low but rising slowly, yet wages aren't keeping up with that increase, which means we're all going backwards at a time when household debt is at a record high.

The latest wages data shows an annual growth rate of 1.6 per cent while Wednesday's inflation report revealed an annual headline rate of 2.1 per cent and 1.9 per cent for underlying inflation.

Paul Dales no longer thinks the RBA will cut rates to just 1 per cent.
Paul Dales no longer thinks the RBA will cut rates to just 1 per cent. Louie Douvis

At the same time consumers are forking out more for petrol and electricity.

That means we're all feeling the pinch and it's not surprising that with our bills going up and no pay rises on the horizon, the ANZ/Roy Morgan Consumer Confidence Index is now below its long-run average.

Indeed, consumers haven't been this downbeat since the beginning of 2016, just before the RBA went on to cut the official cash twice.

The bank, however, would be happy to know that after three years of falling it looks like the low point of inflation has been reached and it's now back on the rise.


We're all going backwards at a time when household debt is at a record high.
We're all going backwards at a time when household debt is at a record high. Pat Scala

Which is just what the central bank would want.

It means the bank doesn't have to cut the official cash rate to help the economy at a time when the property markets in Sydney and Melbourne are still at crazy levels and yet a rate hike is still some way off.

Not bad at all.

If the rise in headline inflation had been much higher than the reported increase then this column might have been all about whether or not households, and the whole housing market, could cope with a rate hike from the RBA not long after the banks had gone out and raised mortgage rates.

Just how much of any rate hike by the RBA would eventually get passed on by the banks would also have been discussed.

But there's no fear of any of that.

The official cash rate is on hold, probably for quite some time, and the banks can continue tweaking their mortgage rates higher to comply with the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.

For sure underlying inflation is still under the bank's 2 per cent to 3 per cent target range but with signs it is rising slowly the bank will be content to put up with that for the time being.

So far it's all going to plan, which suggests inflation will be back at 2 per cent in the middle of this year, which is the RBA's forecast.

A 0.4 per cent quarter-on-quarter rise in the two main measures of underlying prices means it has now risen to an annual rate of 1.8 per cent from 1.5 per cent and most economists think it is on track to slowly rise further.

That increase in underlying inflation is the major reason why Paul Dales, the chief economist of Capital Economics, who has called this current rate cycle better than most, has changed his mind about another move down in the official cash rate.

He is no longer calling for a 1 per cent cash rate, it currently stands at a record low 1.5 per cent, and says that unless something very bad happens to the jobs market, which he is not expecting, then the RBA will be willing to put up with underlying inflation of 1.8 per cent.

Rate cuts are done he says but he thinks it's unlikely they will rise before 2019.

Some economists, however, are talking it could be by the end of this year although most are suggesting interest rates are on hold for quite some time.

The way the Australian dollar moved straight after the numbers were released on Wednesday implies the currency markets hasn't given up just yet on another rate cut.

In early afternoon trading the local unit was changing hands at US75.14¢, down from US75.64¢ previously.

There was a time when central banks would worry about inflation outside their target band but these days they can take a more relaxed attitude.

In September 2016 the chief economist at the Bank for International Settlements, Claudio Borio, said central banks should probably allow themselves more time to reach their inflation targets because interest rates are so low and debt levels so high that long-term economic stability is at risk.

"It is quite possible that a financial stability-oriented monetary policy may require greater tolerance for persistent deviations of inflation from target," he said at central bankers' conference in Vienna.