

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel snubbed by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Jerusalem: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has cancelled talks with Germany's visiting foreign minister, snubbing Sigmar Gabriel over his decision to meet groups critical of Israel's treatment of Palestinians.

The dispute threatened to widen a rift between Israel and Germany over the Palestinian issue. Berlin has been increasingly critical of the settlement policies of Mr Netanyahu's right-wing government in occupied territory Palestinians seek for a state.

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"My policy is clear: Not to meet with diplomats who visit Israel and engage with organisations that slander Israeli soldiers and seek to have them put on trial as war criminals," Mr Netanyahu said in Jerusalem late on Tuesday.

He said he was leading Israel "through proud nationalist polices and not by bowing our heads and grovelling".

But he emphasised that relations with Germany would remain strong and important.

Mr Netanyahu's government has come under increasing criticism in recent years for seeking to silence groups that are critical of it or of Israeli policies, especially in regard to the military occupation of the West Bank, now in its 50th year. In March, the Israeli parliament passed a law barring entry to Israel for foreigners who had publicly supported an international boycott effort against the country.


Mr Gabriel told reporters the decision was "not nice" and caught him by surprise since he generally had an open relationship with Mr Netanyahu, but added that it did not spell "the end of diplomatic ties between the two countries".

On Monday, an Israeli official had said Mr Netanyahu, who is also foreign minister, would not see Mr Gabriel if he went ahead with meeting the Israeli group Breaking the Silence, known in Hebrew as Shovrim Shtika.

The organisation, a frequent target of criticism by the Israeli government, collects testimony from Israeli veterans about the military's treatment of Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. 

NGO Monitor, a group critical of what it sees as bias against Israel among non-governmental and human rights groups, said the German government had given roughly $US1.5 million to Breaking the Silence through various donors over the last four years.

Mr Gabriel underscored the importance of Germany's ties to Israel during a meeting with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.

Mr Gabriel told reporters he found it noteworthy that Mr Rivlin repeatedly emphasised that Israel was a democratic country with a right to freedom of expression.

"Israel and Germany never had a simple relationship, and we never will," Mr Rivlin told Mr Gabriel. "In recent years, however, our relationship has become a truly deep and positive one."

Mr Gabriel said it was normal to talk to civil society representatives in Israel.  "Imagine if we would invite Mr Netanyahu to Germany and he wants to meet with NGOs that are critical of the government and we say, 'If you do that we'll break off the visit.' People would tell us we're crazy."

Breaking the Silence has been at the centre of another storm since February. The mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, and Israeli Culture Minister Miri Regev threatened that month to close a small art gallery near Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem after it hosted a public lecture by the director of Breaking the Silence. Right-wing protesters tried to break up that lecture.

The gallery, Barbur, which receives public funding and is housed in a municipal property, is now fighting an eviction notice.

But the furore has brought support from some unexpected quarters. This month, two former chiefs of Israel's Shin Bet internal security agency, a retired senior police commander and a respected law professor, formed a panel for another Breaking the Silence event at the gallery to speak about the corrosive effect of 50 years of occupation on Israel's security forces and citizens.

Again, protesters outside tried to drown out the proceedings with their chants, branding the participants "traitors". The speakers denounced what they called an assault on free speech, and said they had come to defend it.

One of the former Shin Bet chiefs, Ami Ayalon, was also a commander-in-chief of the Israeli navy and is a recipient of Israel's highest military decoration, the Medal of Valour.

Israelis showed no lack of courage on the battlefield, Mr Ayalon said, adding: "Civilian courage, to come and say what we believe, is different to battlefield courage."

He said Israeli democracy was in a downward spiral of what he called "incremental tyranny".

Reuters, New York Times