Federal Politics

Girt by derision: a short and tortured history of our national anthem

Australians all let us rejoice, for we are girt by a national anthem that is almost universally derided.

Poor Girt. The most cutting - and possibly most accurate - comment that's been made about the old thing is that Australia is in danger of falling off to sleep while singing the words, which barely anyone knows anyway. That was the judgment of a former National Party senator from Queensland, Sandy MacDonald, who found himself bored and embarrassed as he listened to a military band struggling to give life to old Girt on the shores of Gallipoli on Anzac Day, 2001.

Developer lobby urges more urban land, low-deposit loans

The Property Council's chief executive Ken Morrison.

The lobby group representing property developers has unveiled a "ten point plan" to boost housing affordability in Australia's major cities, urging deregulation in the construction industry, low-deposit home loans and incentives for older home owners to downsize.

Bureaucrats struggle with citizenship chaos

Immigration chaos: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull recently announced a major overhaul of the citizenship test.

The Immigration Department is struggling to cope with a massive influx of inquiries about the government's changes to the citizenship test, with callers turned away or placed in lengthy queues.

Epic fail or huge win? The truth about One Nation

Senator Pauline Hanson's One Nation party is in a stronger position than many thought.

Although it was widely written off as an embarrassing failure, One Nation's campaign in the Western Australia election was a considerable victory in which the party positioned itself to seize long-term balance of power in the federal senate, according to a new analysis.