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How black market entrepreneurs thrive in North Korea

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The political temperature on the Korean peninsula continues to rise. North Korea has responded to the US sending the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier group toward the Korean Peninsula by threatening to sink the aircraft carrier. The international community has responded to North Korean belligerence with attempts to crack down on the country's ability to support itself and to fund its weapons of mass destruction programs. The UN Security Council has passed resolution after resolution tightening sanctions, and China announced in February it was suspending coal imports from North Korea for the rest of the year.

Why is North Korea so brazen, despite knowing sanctions and crackdowns are the inevitable result of its actions? North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is not insane, but he is comfortable taking huge risks, in large part, because of how the North Korean economy has changed over the past several decades.

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In a communist country where running a business is illegal but government jobs don't pay enough to feed the family, a new breed of businesswomen dominates.

North Korea's state-controlled economy essentially collapsed at the end of the Cold War, and with it the government's ability to feed the population. In the wake of the great famine that followed, even as the formal state economy ground to a halt, a hodgepodge of networks rose up to help North Koreans survive. Private citizens started their own small businesses to make money, and sold food and household items to each other in black markets while the government often looked the other way. These businesses have metastasized, and have become regular features of the North Korean landscape.

Inside the country, private companies are still illegal, but businessmen can buy the status of a state-owned company for the right price. State officials also go into business for themselves, and in turn are required to make money for the regime by nearly any means necessary, opening restaurants outside North Korea, exporting labourers, and selling everything from wigs to apples to artwork.

Everyone has become an entrepreneur, in effect, and large swathes of the economy have effectively become a pyramid of protection rackets, with portions of revenues from businesses, both legal and illegal, passed up the line eventually to the top of the regime. Outside the country, the North Korean state has sent out trading companies to buy and sell whatever they can around the world, often operating out of North Korean embassies and establishing joint ventures with local businessmen. North Korea has long since ceased to be a communist country, and is now one where entrepreneurialism and adaptability are key to survival.

The consequences of North Korea's economic transformation are vast. North Korean businesses have evolved to be very good at operating in hostile environments, including when other countries are trying to stop them. To break sanctions, North Korean traders start front companies, use Chinese and other foreign brokers (who have their own front companies) to buy and sell goods on their behalf, and move money through bank accounts throughout Asia. And these efforts appear to have paid off, for the elites if not for the average citizen. There is a building boom in Pyongyang, food prices in the capital city have been relatively stable over the past couple of years, and smugglers are able to move goods across the border between China and North Korea even when sanctions are supposedly being enforced.

Because more and more regular North Koreans have been going into business for themselves, they are no longer dependent on the government for survival. While the North Korean state continues to use the standard tools of totalitarian control – secret police, arbitrary punishment, labor camps, internal travel restrictions, indoctrination sessions, total control of the media, and the like – it no longer feels the need to provide food or many other supplies to the average person on the street to keep itself in power. Yet, because of the chain of bribes stretching from street hawkers up to the top, the regime still profits from what are technically illegal businesses.

Sanctions – the international community's main tool to deter and contain North Korea over the past decade – neither contain nor deter Kim Jong-un's behaviour because he does not feel the pain they are supposed to bring. Untethered from the need to feed the population, profiting from North Korea's economic transformation and confident in the ability of North Korean companies to bypass sanctions, Kim Jong-un is free to take steps, such as military provocations and WMD development, that could bring pain to the general population, and raise the risk of conflict in the Korean Peninsula.

Dr Justin Hastings is an associate professor in international relations and comparative politics at the University of Sydney.