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Federal political news and analysis from the parliamentary bureau for the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Brisbane Times, Canberra Times and WA Today.

Breaking news from Manus Island, where sustained gunfire has broken out at the detention centre and asylum seekers say they fear for their lives.

"The Navy officers are firing. I am hiding in my room."|By Michael Gordon

"I'll let you in on a secret," says Bryan Dawe. "People have always asked me: 'How did you sit across from him and not laugh?'

"I've never told anyone till now. It was simple really. I never looked into his eyes. I always looked at his forehead. If I looked into his eyes, I was gone."

The news of John Clarke's death wrenched Brian Dawe back 54 years to the worst day of his own boyhood.|By Tony Wright
'You have no idea how bloody tough it is'
Barnaby lampoons Bill
'I will not keep my head down': McManus

"Bat poo crazy".

"Bat poo crazy". "Talking BS". "Doing what ISIS wants".|By Amy Remeikis
Australian Politics - Fairfax updated their cover photo.
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Cartoon of the day: Alan Moir on Scott Morrison flying a few ideas.
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Former foreign affairs minister Gareth Evans is not holding back.

Donald Trump is "manifestly the most ill-informed, under-prepared, ethically-challenged and psychologically ill-equipped president in US history", says former foreign affairs minister Gareth Evans.|By Fergus Hunter
Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne has chastised his Coalition colleagues for publicly debating whether the government should allow first-home buyers to raid their superannuation savings.|By Fergus Hunter

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has stepped up pressure on China to use its special influence to resolve the burgeoning North Korea security crisis, declaring the entire world is concerned about the rogue nation's threats of nuclear war.

He branded its conduct reckless and dangerous while emphasising the need for resolution through peaceful means.

Malcolm Turnbull says the entire world is concerned about the rogue nation's threats of nuclear war.

BREAKING: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has moved to shut down days of unruly public debate over letting first-home buyers raid their superannuation, saying the issue gone "round and round" for too long and pointedly referencing his earlier criticism of the plan as a "thoroughly bad idea".

Cabinet's budget razor gang will examine a range of housing affordability measures on Thursday.|By James Massola
The so-called Apex gang is effectively dead, and was never a predominantly foreign or ethnic group of offenders, according to Victoria Police.

Australia is more exposed to the economy of a single nation than at any time since the 1950s

Australia is more exposed to the economy of a single nation - China - than at any time since the 1950s, when Britain was our major trading partner.|By James Massola

Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce says he was "surprised" by the party youth wing's show of support for an emissions intensity scheme.

Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce says he was "surprised" by the party's youth wing's show of support for an emissions intensity scheme.|By Fergus Hunter

Federal funding has been stripped from two of Australia's largest private colleges after they came under scrutiny for alarmingly low completion rates.

Two of Australia's largest private colleges have had their funding stripped by the federal government after raking in more than $440 million in taxpayer funding.|By Matthew Knott
Australian Politics - Fairfax updated their cover photo.
Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling

The University of Sydney is standing by a controversial senior lecturer, Tim Anderson, who has dismissed the sarin gas attack in the Idlib Province as a "hoax" and called Syria's six-year civil war a "fiction" perpetrated by the US "to destroy an independent nation".

Australia's most prestigious university has become the centre of a pro-Assad academic movement.