

Nasdaq tops 6000 mark on strength of Apple, Alphabet and Amazon

The Nasdaq Composite index crossed the 6000 threshold for the first time overnight, aided by gains in a handful of large-cap tech names, more than 17 years after it last marked a 1000 point milestone.

At the close, the index was 41.7 points higher, or 0.7 per cent, at 6025.49. Its year-to-date return is now 11.9 per cent.

The Nasdaq first breached the 5000 mark on March 7, 2000 and closed above that level two days later during the height of the tech boom. It had taken the index only slightly more than three months to climb from 4000 to the 5000 mark.

"It's different this time. It really is. This isn't driven by companies that don't have products," said Kim Forrest, senior equity research analyst at Fort Pitt Capital Group in Pittsburgh, referring to the tech bubble that burst in 2000.

Of the current index, Forrest said, "You can't just have a knee-jerk reaction and say tech is doing well and assume it's tied solely to corporate spending cycles. Tech tends to be a late-cycle phenomenon, though the kind of tech that populates the Nasdaq these days is consumer-focused."

The top five US companies by market capitalisation, Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft, and Facebook, are Nasdaq components. 


Overnight, Apple rose 0.6 per cent to $US144.53, extending its year-to-date return to 24.8 per cent and its one-year return to 40.5 per cent. Facebook also added 0.7 per cent, to $US146.49, lifting its year-to-date return to 27.3 per cent and its one-year return to 33.1 per cent. Microsoft ended up 0.6 per cent at $US67.92, lifting its one-year return to 33.8 per cent. edged 0.02 per cent higher overnight to $US907.62, boosting its one-year return to 44.9 per cent.

Netflix has been another positive contributor, rising 5.8 per cent overnight to $US152.16, bringing its one-year return to 62.6 per cent — though it's at a much lower overall market cap, $US65.6 billion.

The total market capitalisation of the Nasdaq Composite stands at $US9.6 trillion. The five largest companies have increased in market value by more than $US400 billion in 2017 alone.

The passing of the 6000 threshold is mainly symbolic, said Sameer Samana, global quantitative strategist at Wells Fargo Investment Institute in St Louis.

"There are some on the technical analysis side who might view the clearance of this hurdle as a reason to get in, and so for a short time gains may accelerate," he said.

"If it is widely publicised, then it may lead to greater participation on the part of retail investors."

Since the cycle bottom in March 2009, which ended the Great Recession-related stock market selloff, the Nasdaq Composite has gained about 365 per cent. That compares with a 250 per cent gain in the S&P; 500 and a 420 per cent increase in the Nasdaq 100, the top 100 companies in the index.

"Nasdaq 7000 is a matter of 'when' not 'if', wrote Richard Saintvilus in an online comment for the Nasdaq. "My crystal ball says it won't take seventeen years to gain 1000 points.

"The milestone will likely be reached thanks to, at least in part, autonomous cars. And this puts names like Tesla in the driver's seat. In that vein, another name investors should keep an eye on is Intel, which recently picked off Israeli self-driving technology company Mobileye for $US15.3 billion," Saintvilus wrote.