
Australia in the Pacific Islands

by Nicholas Maclellan last modified 2007-12-21 14:18

Regional programs for "Australian Forces Abroad"

"Australia in the Pacific Islands" is one of a series of briefings published by the Nautilus Institute at RMIT, for the "Australian Forces Abroad" series of briefing books.

As well as major overseas deployments in Afghanistan and Iraq, Australia has deployed military, police and intelligence personnel closer to home - to Timor Leste and the small island states of the Pacific.

Since the late 1990s, Australia has deployed police, troops or naval vessels to Solomon Islands, Tonga, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Nauru, and extended joint operations with New Zealand and other member states of the Pacific Islands Forum. The largest deployments include Australian involvement in the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI), the Enhanced Co-operation Program (ECP) to Papua New Guinea, and extensive operations by the Australian Federal Police (AFP).

The Nautilus Institute is developing a series of country specific sites (listed below) on Australian operations in the Pacific. However a number of police and military programs operate at regional rather than national level - thus "Australia in the Pacific Islands" includes briefings on a number of multi-country programs that operate in the region, such as the Law Enforcement Co-operation Program (LECP), the AFP's Pacific Transnational Crime Network, or the Pacific Patrol Boat Program.


About Australian Forces Abroad and Australia in the Pacific islands

Australian Defence Force regional programs

Australian Federal Police

Attorney General's Department

Country briefing books for the Pacific region

Australia in Solomon Islands

Australia in Tonga

Australia in Timor Leste (forthcoming)

"Australian Forces Abroad" - Australia in the Pacific Islands

Project coordinator: Richard Tanter

Project researcher: Nic Maclellan

URL: http://gc.nautilus.org/Nautilus/australia/australia-in-pacific/australia-in-pacific

Samoa Sacrifices its culture on the altar of Globalisation

Bilateral Negotiations for Samoa WTO Accession

Hon Phil Goff
Minister of Trade

Settler Grubbyment

31 January 2008
Media statement

Minister of Trade Announces Conclusion of Substantive Bilateral Negotiations for Samoa WTO Accession

Trade Minister Phil Goff with Samoa Deputy Prime Minister Misa Telefoni

New Zealand and Samoa have successfully concluded negotiations on the major outstanding issues in Samoa’s World Trade Organisation (WTO) bilateral accession negotiation, Trade Minister Phil Goff announced today.

To accede to the WTO a state is required to obtain endorsement from a WTO Working Party that its trade regime is consistent with WTO rules. It must also conclude individual bilateral negotiations on the terms of their entry to the WTO with other members.

“Samoa sees membership of the WTO as being important to achieving its economic goals, and we support their efforts to realise this ambition,” Mr Goff said.

“The conclusion of our substantive negotiations with Samoa on the key goods issues is a major milestone towards Samoa’s objective.

“A clear process has been agreed to complete remaining technical work necessary for the agreement to be concluded.

“The agreement will reflect Samoa’s level of development, the significant progress it has already made in restructuring its economy and substantially reducing its tariffs and the close friendship between our two countries,” Mr Goff said.

The agreement will be signed by Samoa’s Deputy Prime Minister Misa Telefoni and New Zealand’s Trade Minister Phil Goff in early March.



Waitangi Day Protest in Melbourne

Tena koutou nga Tangata e tautoko ana te kaupapa Tino Rangatiratanga me te Mana Motuhake o Aotearoa

To show our solidarity for the kaupapa of Tino Rangatiratanga we will be assembling outside the NZ settler consulate this Waitangi Day where we will proudly display our Tino Rangatiratanga (Maori Sovereignty) flag.

  • The Treaty of Waitangi still remains to be honoured 168 years after its signing

  • The NZ Settler Governments refusal to sign the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous peoples.

  • The recent human rights abuses of the peoples of Tuhoe by the NZ settler state.

Nau Mai Haere Mai

Consulate-General of New Zealand

Suite 2, North Level 3 350 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3001

1pm Wednesday 6th of February 2008

Ka Whawhai tonu matou ake tonu atu !!!!!

contact Sina on 9504 8449 for more info
or mail



'Invasion Day' protest ignites flag-burning debate

Tautoko Adam, the more colonial flag wipes go up in flames the better. Kia kaha bro.

The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre stands by the protester who burnt the Australian flag. (Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre)

A Tasmanian Aborigine has reignited the national debate about flag burning, after an Australia Day protest in Launceston yesterday.

About 100 Aborigines from across Tasmania rallied in Launceston's City Park against what they call "Invasion Day".

After the speeches, Adam Thompson stepped from the crowd and burnt the Australian flag with a cigarette lighter, to cheers from the crowd.

The Australian National Flag Association's Reg Watson has branded the act "despicable", calling on the Federal Government to make it illegal.

"Until it is an offence this type of vandalism will continually happen," he said.

"Those people that burnt our sacred symbol, national symbol, should be prosecuted for that offence.

"It's an outrageous offence and I think it would in anyone's estimation, an act of disgust, and I'm absolutely appalled that they've taken that position."

Mr Thompson says he would not have been deterred by the threat of prosecution.

"I would have done it anyway because it signifies something, and that's for a bigger cause," he said.

"Australians know what it means to Aboriginal people for them to celebrate Invasion Day and they do it anyway, so there's a blatant disregard there for Aboriginal people. And that made us angry enough to do that.

"What else can happen to Aboriginal people? I mean, you've taken our land. What else can you do to us?"

Mr Thompson works for the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre as a land management co-ordinator. The Centre has backed his impromptu flag burning.

UN to investigate New Zealand Settler Grubbyment over conduct of the Oct 15 raids

UN to investigate New Zealand Government over conduct of the Oct 15 raids (from the newswire)

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights while Countering Terrorism has agreed that there are grounds to investigate the New Zealand Government over its conduct during the October 15 raids. This is the first time that a complaint from a group against a nation-state has been accepted by the Rapporteur. The complaint was lodged by lawyers acting on behalf of the Tuhoe nation and some of the accused in the case. It is based on some 14 specific instances of breaches of human rights.

The New Zealand government has now been issued a list of questions by the United Nations and it is required to provide a response to these within six months. The complaint was submitted pursuant to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. The grounds of the complaint are acute breaches of rights to privacy, freedom from discrimination and personal liberty, for which there is no available domestic remedy. The violations arise from conduct of the police, elected politicians and media, and pertain to what has been termed, albeit without objective or legal foundation, an ‘anti-terrorism’ operation. Depending on the response of the Government, or the lack thereof, the Rapporteur may make a ruling on the complaint or decide to investigate further, possibly visiting Aotearoa New Zealand in order to interview victims of the raids, arrestees, lawyers and naturally, members of the police and Government.

There is no domestic mechanism capable of inquiry into the collective rights of self determination and culture held by the Tuhoe Nation. A civil action may be pursued on behalf of individuals who were affected, but even if this succeeds at considerable cost and delay it cannot address the collective and systemic harm caused to the affected communities and the Tuhoe nation. Attempts to secure recourse through the Waitangi Tribunal for a violation of te Tiriti o Waitangi would likewise be ineffective as the Tribunal only has powers to make recommendations on such matters to the government, and has failed to report on the earlier claim by the Tuhoe nation that was concluded several years ago.

The New Zealand Government likes to extol its human rights record to the world. Meanwhile, it conveniently ignores the condemnation of various UN bodies when they don’t suit the Government’s fairy tale of amicable race relations. In 2006, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous People visited Aotearoa New Zealand to investigate breaches of human rights as a result of the Foreshore and Seabed Act. Following the investigation, the Rapporteur issued a report detailing the violations of human rights which the New Zealand Government has roundly ignored.

Needless to say, people around the world are not blind to the New Zealand Government’s double-speak when it come to Maori. Statements from around the world, including the Canadian Postal Worker’s Union and the Zapatista Liberation Army indicate that support for the right of Maori to self-determination will not be denied.

From the Comprehensive Statement of Facts

Raids in Ruatoki

In one raid, a schoolgirl and a woman were ordered from their house and into the street with their hands above their heads. They were separated and not allowed to communicate. Dressed in their night attire, crying and wet from the rain, both of them were body searched by police officers in full public view of their neighbors. The woman was made to lift her breasts. The schoolgirl was crying "shame". They watched in fear as their husband and stepfather was held face down on the street with a gun to his head. They were taken to the police station and questioned for a number of hours before being released.

In another raid in Ruatoki, a family with young children were held for hours, cold and shivering, in a shed at the side of their house without food and water or nappies for their babies.

Armed police established a dawn to dusk roadblock around the township of Ruatoki. Cars and a school bus were stopped and searched. Armed 'ninja' police made the occupants get out of their cars and photographed them with identification labels. A 76 year-old woman was one of the first to be subjected to this indignity.

The children of Ruatoki were deeply traumatised by the presence of armed police at their houses and in their village. The day after the raids the Kohanga Reo (Maori language pre-school) asked for counsellors to be sent to work with the children. When a school pupil is killed in a car accident it is common for the government to send counsellors to the school the next day. One month later, there is still no response to the request from Ruatoki.

History repeats itself

For the people of Tuhoe, 15 October 2007 repeated a history of armed invasions by the colonial power. Tuhoe has always maintained te mana motuhake o Tuhoe - the independent authority of the Tuhoe nation. They have never acknowledged the Crown's claim of sovereignty. A claim to this effect has been laid with the Waitangi Tribunal. Those hearings began in 2003 and finished in 2005. The Tuhoe people are still waiting for the tribunal to report.

The Tuhoe territories, Te Urewera, have been repeatedly invaded by the Crown. In the 1860s, the freedom fighters Te Kooti Rikirangi and Te Rau Kereopa sought refuge within te Urewera as they were hunted by colonial troops. Notwithstanding the fact that Te Kooti was escorted from Te Urewera, and Te Rau Kereopa was handed over to the Crown by Tuhoe, their lands were confiscated. The Crown claimed its action was justified as a means of suppressing rebellion by taking the wealth and breaking the autonomy of the Tuhoe people. In a clear provocation of these old wounds, the cordon around Ruatoki in Operation Eight was established on this historic confiscation line.

In 1916 armed colonial police invaded the Tuhoe nation again. This time, they arrested Tuhoe prophet Rua Kenana, shooting dead two men, one of whom was Rua's son. Once the armed constabulary gained control at Maungapohatu, they gathered together the women and children, and raped them under armed guard.

The invasion of 15 October 2007 repeats this tragic history of repression, arbitrary detention and racist abuse. This time, the Crown claims that its invasion of Tuhoe is justified as the suppression of terrorism; yet it has no evidence to lay anything more than firearms charges.

Raids across Aotearoa

In total, more than 60 homes and workplaces around Aotearoa have been searched under warrants authorised pursuant to the Terrorism Suppression Act. Stories are still emerging, as many of those who were targeted are fearful that they will be branded 'terrorists'.

Many of the searches followed a similar pattern to those in Ruatoki and Whakatane. Residents were woken by load hailers to find their houses surrounded by large numbers of armed police, who forced entry by breaking down doors. In a number of cases, very young children and old people were confronted with weapons.

In one raid an estimated 40 armed officers entered a house where there were 8 people, two of whom were under 12. Distressed children were separated from their parents and not allowed to speak to them for the whole period of the raid. Two men who were later arrested were marched onto the road outside their homes, made to kneel for lengthy periods with hands behind their heads with guns to their heads.

Some of the police actions can only have been intended to humiliate. One young woman was detained in a room while her house was searched, and then taken to her bedroom as the police went through all her drawers. They took away her underwear. In another case, police took all the baby's clothing.

The arrestees
Initial applications for bail were refused for ten of those accused, largely because of the pending terrorism charges. They faced the prospect of eighteen months to two years on remand while awaiting trial, with the loss of livelihoods, severe financial hardship, trauma to their families and children, and damage to their wairua.

On 30 October the Crown prosecutors notified counsel for the accused that the names of 12 of the 16 had been forwarded to the Solicitor General for consideration of charges under the Terrorism Suppression Act 2002. On 8 November 2007 the Solicitor General announced that there was insufficient evidence to lay charges against any of the accused. As a result of this decision the ten people who had been held in custody since 15 October were released on bail.

Sixteen people now face charges under section 45 of the Arms Act 1983.

None has yet entered a plea. All are due to appear next in Auckland March 3rd 2008.

(Headings by AIMC)

Maori, the Labour government and the UN
  • In March 2005, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) released its decision on the Foreshore and Seabed Act, concluding that the legislation appeared, "on balance, to contain discriminatory aspects against the Maori", and urging renewed consultation and dialogue.
    The Government responded by criticising the UN Committee and denigrating Maori groups who took their concerns to the UN in the first place.
  • A year later, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples was called to review progress made by New Zealand in addressing these concern. His comprehensive report outlining action recommendations was universally condemned by Government.
  • In August 2007, the UN CERD Committee reported that the New Zealand Government's actions tended "to diminish the importance and relevance of the Treaty and to create a context unfavourable to the rights of Maori". This time, Dr Cullen admitted that the Committee had put the Government on notice.
This is a Government, of course, which was happy to vote against the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - an international human rights declaration which 143 other nations supported (while only 4, New Zealand, Australia, the United States of America and Canada, opposed).

(This background is taken from a Maori Party media release - thanks.)


Stray Alien Invasion Day /Aboriginal Sovereignty 08

“The British colonisation of Australia began at Botany Bay in 1788. It was soon met with stiff resistance from the people of the Eora Aboriginal nation, the first people to be confronted by this invasion of ‘settlers’. Led by Pemulwuy, a clever strategist, they outfoxed and outwitted the colonist for several years.

When Pemulwuy was finally captured he said in his language: ‘You’ll never make me a white man you scum!” According to the Aboriginal history of the invasion, which has been handed down by word of mouth from generation to generation, these were Pemulwuy’s last words. A British soldier summarily shot him dead. After he was shot, his head was severed from his body and sent to England to be examined, measured and analysed according to commonly accepted theories fashionable at the time.

About Aboriginal Sovereignty
Waratah Rose Gillespie

Because the invasion was illegal at international law, all white people are here illegally. Through recognizing Aboriginal sovereignty, their presence in this country can be legitimised.

Isabell Coe –Wiradjuri Nation

Was hot for sure 220 years after the genocidal, land thieving, boat people landed and invaded Aboriginal Nations. It was a day to remember & honour those who had fallen in the struggle. It was a day to remember the the current reality of colonial invasion was genocide and theft, and what thats means to us on a daily basis. Pretending that it didn’t happen is some form of pathological denial, but settlers are great at re-working history and settler state myth making.

Our whanau will refuse to take part or be silent beneficiaries of Aboriginal genocide any longer. The spirit of the day we had in Melbourne was fierce, Aboriginal people are on the move, Maori, Mohawk indigenous people around our planet are standing up. The recent cessation of the
Lakotah Nation from Amerikkka has given heart to Indigenous nations in struggle all over the world.

Catching up with and hanging out with the mob, hearing some choice sounds and other whanau was awesome.

Looks like we gonna have a busy year this year.

"Every breath we take is a breath of survival, every breath we take is the breath of resistance."

Mauri Ora


Sacred Fire and deadly speeches at Gertrude Street Fitzroy, urban Aboriginal heartland.

Front of the hikoi

Indigenous Solidarity

Mapuche & Maori sista’s

Unity Against colonialism in the Pacific


Aboriginal Groups to Protest on Gubbament's First Day

Aboriginal and community organisations have called for a National Convergence on Canberra
for the opening of Parliament on 12 February 2008. "We want to send a
strong message to the new government. The NT Intervention is an abuse
of power by the previous government. We as Aboriginal people need to
stand together to be heard as one." writes Barbara Shaw from Mt Nancy
Camp near Alice Springs in the Northern Territory.

"As a resident of a prescribed area and an active member of the
Intervention Rollback Working Group, I am trying to raise funds and
encourage as many people as possible to travel to Canberra for this
important event" she said.

She criticised the Government for so far failing to ratify the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

"I am asking all Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal organisations to
please try and send representatives to this important gathering. There
will be workshops in Canberra on 11 February to inform people about the
impact of the intervention on people’s lives and about the United
Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples." she said.

Details from a leaflet on the convergence follows:

Details on Why you should join the convergence

Howard’s racist intervention must be rolled back!

John Howard’s ‘Emergency Intervention’ in the NT, introduced in the
final months of his government, was a package of punitive, racist and
paternalistic measures aimed at controlling the lives and land of
Aboriginal people.

  • The intervention suspended the Racial Discrimination Act and
    ignores ‘Aboriginal Land’ as described in the Aboriginal Land Rights
    Act (NT).
  • Despite claims that the intervention was a response to
    ‘rampant child sexual abuse’, 700 pages of emergency bill legislation
    did not once mention ‘child’ or ‘children’.
  • There has been minimal investment in providing new
    community-based services and instead, $88 million of the promised
    funding has been spent administering the welfare quarantining.
  • The federal election revealed overwhelming opposition to the
    intervention nationally, with the ousting of both Howard and Mal Brough
    from their seats, and among Territory Aboriginal communities. When
    Labor MPs in affected areas emphasised political differences to the
    Coalition they consistently received over 80% of the vote; with 95% in
    the town of Wadeye.
  • Aboriginal communities are calling for an end to the racist
    military and political intervention and for the creation of Aboriginal
    controlled services designed through extensive consultation.

Let’s push Labor to improve their policy!

Federal Labor has pledged some improvements. They have promised
to restore a ‘reformed’ CDEP (Community Development and Employment
Program) and permit system. Despite this, the ALP’s policy is
disturbingly similar to the Liberals:

  • Discriminatory measures such as mandatory welfare quarantine,
    compulsory land acquisition and the presence of non-Aboriginal
    "business managers" with extraordinary powers are not opposed.
  • There has been no commitment to reinstate the Racial Discrimination Act.
  • The demand for immediate review of the legislation from across the NT and Australia has been ignored.

Aboriginal control of Aboriginal affairs!

A vibrant, mass convergence on Canberra at the opening of
parliament will be an important step in challenging the lingering
legacy of Howard's racism. We can send a strong signal to the Rudd
Government to acknowledge the rights of Aboriginal people, to increase
the resources and services available to communities across Australia
and to respect Aboriginal control of Aboriginal affairs.

Initiated by the Aboriginal Rights Coalition, Sydney


Aboriginal Freedom Fighters Remembered

On January 20, 2008 over sixty people, indigenous and non-indigenous, gathered at the corner of Franklin and Bowen Street, Melbourne, opposite the City Baths to remember Tasmanian Aborigines Tunnerminnerwait (Jack of Cape Grim) and Maulboyheenner (Peevay), the 166th anniversary of the judicial murder of these two indigenous freedom fighters. They were the first public executions in Melbourne on January 20, 1842, before a crowd of 5,000 people - about a quarter of Victoria's European population at the time.

Commemoration website | Photos

"Every Australian knows the story of Ned Kelly. Few know the remarkable story of Tunnerminnerwait, Maulboyheenner, Pyterruner, Truganini and Planobeena – a story of revolt, passion, courage, murder, armed resistance and execution." said a statement on the Commemoration website. The Commemoration Committee was launched in August 2007 to bring this largely untold and forgotten story to public attention. The Committee is convened by Dr Joseph Toscano, with the patron being Carolyn Briggs - Elders Spokesperson for Boon wurrung Elders Land Council.

The Commemoration Committee has called for the erection of a public monument to publicly acknowledge this story and its contribution to the history of Melbourne.

"Considering the number of statutes and monuments that have been erected around Melbourne to honour the Europeans who founded it, it would be appropriate if a public monument was erected on the spot Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner were executed to mark their contribution to the story of the City of Melbourne." said the statement on the Comemoration Committee website.

Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner were amoung 5 Tasmanian Aborigines who conducted a campaign of resistance to European settlement in 1841. The other three were Pyterruner, Truganini and Planobeena. They had been brought to Melbourne by the officially appointed Protector of Aborigines, George Augustus Robinson.

They raided station after station from Dandenong to Cape Paterson. They stole firearms and burnt down stations, trying to avoid unnecessary deaths and gunfights. They killed 2 whalers, Cook and Yankee, wounded 5 settlers, burnt down numerous farmhouses and evaded capture for 8 weeks. Three military expeditions were launched against them. Although they set out to drive the settlers from the bush, they didn't harm women or children and only fired at those that fired at them. Considering the outrages that had been perpetrated on them and their families in Tasmania, it´s extraordinary that they didn´t kill many more settlers when they had the opportunity to even up the score.

Their capture was effected by an overwhelming party of soldiers, police, settlers and black trackers near Anderson´s Inlet, not far from Cape Patterson. During the 8 weeks of their roaming, reports of their feats sent a shiver down the spine of the Europeans who were living in Melbourne and its surrounds.

They arrived in chains under military escort in Melbourne on 21st November 1841. All 5 were charged with murder and appeared in court before Judge Willis on the 20th December 1841. The jury delivered a verdict after half an hour finding the men guilty of murder, and the women not guilty. The jury made a very strong plea for clemency for the men ´on account of general good character and the peculiar circumstances under which they are placed´.

The next day Judge Willis sentenced the 2 men to death and the 3 women were discharged into Robinson´s care. The jury´s plea for mercy was rejected by the Executive Council of New South Wales. On the 20th January 1842 Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner were led to the scaffold, where the current RMIT building is located. Here they were hanged watched by a crowd of about 5,000. The first public judicial execution in Melbourne.

Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner were buried outside the Melbourne cemetery (under the current Victoria Market).

The Commemoration Committee formed with the aims:

  • To hold a yearly commemmoration on the 20 of January at the site the execution took place - (Cnr Bowen & Franklin Sts, Melbourne)
  • To acknowledge the injustce of what happened on the 21st of January 1842,
  • To highlight the unfinished business that still exists between indigenous and non indigenous Australians
  • To work towards the establishment of a significant public monument to publicly acknowledge what happened on that fateful day


  1. Jack of Cape Grim by Jan Roberts, Greenhouse Publications 1986, ISBN 086436007X
  2. MIM January 26, 2007 Indigenous Resistance Fighters Remembered
  3. MIM 20 Jan 2007 - Indigenous Resistance in the Hidden Frontier War in Victoria
  4. MIM 27 Jan 2006 - Culture Wars Counter Attack: Remembering Aboriginal Resistance to the Invasion
  5. Commemoration Committee website

Melbourne - Rally in Solidarity with Mapuche People

Melbourne Latin American Solidarity - Chile -

Melbourne - Rally in Solidarity with Mapuche People

(Chile - Argentina Indigenous People)

For the life of Mapuche Political Prisoner Patricia Troncoso in Critical Health Condition,

After more than 105 days in Hunger Strike for Mapuche People’s Rights



Floor 13, 390 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne

We demand:

*The release of all Mapuche political prisoners!

*To stop the destruction of Mapuche land!!

*To stop the militarisation on Mapuche Territories!

*To stop the anti-terrorist law!

*The constitutional recognition of Mapuche People

*Justice for Matias Catrileo y Alex Lemu killed by state police

The Government of Chile and its President Michelle Bachelet

will be responsible for her death!

We demand JUSTICE nothing less, nothing more!

Initiated by:

Chilean Popular & Indigenous Network

Latin American Solidarity Network

And others supporters

Info: Marisol 0413 597 315

More Info check: www.latinlasnet.org

Send your concern letters/faxes/e-mails to Chilean authorities:

Mrs. Michelle Bachelet
President of Chile
Palacio de La Moneda
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 0011 56 2 690 4000
Fax: 0011 56 2 690 41 38
Fax: 0011 56 2 690 4958
E-mail: jgarcia@presidencia.cl

Carta a la Presidenta online = http://www.gobiernodechile.cl/contacto/contacto.asp

Mr. Edmundo Prez Yoma
Minister of Internat Affairs
Palacio de La Moneda,
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 0011 56 2 690 4000
Fax: 0011 56 2 6904 958
Fax: 0011 56 2 699 2165
Email: mespinozar@interior.gov.cl

Mr. Alejandro Foxley Rioseco,

Minister of foreign Affairs,

Catedral 1158, Piso 3, Santiago, Chile,

Fax: 0011 56 2 696 87 96,

Email: minrel@minrel.cl ; mdelaguarda@minrel.gov.cl


Mapuche Activist Dying in 104 Days of HUNGER Strike in Chile.URGENT

Patricia Troncoso, Mapuche Activist is seriously ill and is feared that she may die any minute now

Click on image for a larger version

Click on image for a larger version


The Mapuche activist Patricia Troncoso , who was sentenced in an unjust and unfair trial and jailed for 20 years charged with terrorism, accused of been involved in the burning of some forestry machinery, had completed her 104 days of Hunger strike .

At present she had been taken in urgency by prision guards and under a strong police contigent to an emergency hospital facility in Chillan, south of Santiago. She is grave danger of dying due to the severity of the strike, which she had used to make awareness to the Mapuche plight and her jail conditions. The Bachelet government had resorted to more repressive measures against the Mapuche mobilisations, and only 10 days ago, carabineros(Chilean Police) used live bullets to dissolved a protest in a farm in Mapuche territories.

A young Mapuche university student was murdered shot 6 times in his back by an UZI machinegun. A police officer is now in custody for this muder. This latest death comes at a time when the Mapuche question is high in the international media, despite the silence chosen by NZ media and NZ government, Please get yourself informed and support Mapuche struggle,
DONT DO BUSINESS WITH CHILE until all troops are out of Mapuche Territories!!

Free Patricia Troncoso!!


New Caledonia demonstration in support of jailed unionists

Posted at 23:26 on 22 January, 2008 UTC

An estimated 500 people have held a demonstration outside New Caledonia’s main court house in support of ten members of the USTKE union who were arrested during last week’s violent clashes in Noumea.

The ten were to be sentenced for joining an armed mob after being ordered to disperse and of assaulting members of the security forces as well as damaging public property.

The clashes, which left more than 20 people injured, erupted after police tried to end the occupation of land next to a bus depot at the centre of an industrial dispute.

The court has deferred the case until February the 22nd after the defence asked for more time to prepare its files.

The ten accused have been remanded, with the defence saying there should be the presumption of innocence and the men should not be kept in jail just to satisfy public opinion and political interests.



Now This Is It

Dedicated with love for all those that fight for freedom. Kia Kaha!!!

Second single and video off Tiki Taane's debut solo album, 'Past, Present, Future'.
Directed by Greg Riwai, Produced by www.tikidub.com


* please forward widely **




Punchclock is calling all artists on Turtle Island and beyond to
submit art to our upcoming show Shawn Brant Is No Criminal. The show
will take place from MAY 16th to 18th at Whippersnapper Gallery,
and will be host to a LIVE music show . It will feature art by
indigenous, and anti-colonial artists all over. Money from the door
will go to Shawn's Legal Fund- Money from the Art sales will go to
Shawn or the Artist.


Shawn Brant is a Mohawk activist and friend of ours who landed in jail
a few months ago on a cocktail of charges. His most recent offense is
that he participated in a blockade which you might remember - it shut
down the rail lines between Montreal and Toronto. This happened during
the Day of Action for native rights in Canada - a day meant to call
attention to the ridiculously long and ineffective process that the
state has put in place in order to settle Aboriginal land claims.

Below are a few links so you can learn more about him. He was denied
bail for a long time, but is now out, awaiting trial in 2009. Stakes
is high - the prosecution is seeking 12 years of incarceration in
penitentiary. Atrocious.


News about the day of action that landed him in jail:


Official Support Site:


This is a cool interview that happened way back ago. but it gives you
a sense of the man.


Youtube of Shawn speaking at the PArkdale Activity Recreation Centre



**** HAS BEEN CHANGED - Submissions deadlines: April 1st, 2008

Please e-mail us with your intent to submit art prior to sending it-
so we know it's coming and don't freak out because artists are so
tardy with the mail post, and all that.

email: punchclock.printing(*)gmail.com, and we'll tell you where to send it...



For information about Punchlcok go to: www.punchclock.org


Waitangi Day 2008 Haki Campaign

Tena koutou nga Tangata e tautoko ana te kaupapa Tino Rangatiratanga me te Mana Motuhake o Aotearoa

Once again, Te Ata Tino Toa is challenging Transit NZ and the Government to fly the Tino Rangatiratanga / Maori Flag on the Auckland Harbour Bridge for Waitangi Day 2008.

To promote the Maori flag on this day, we have a Haki Campaign in place and we are calling on all our comrades to tautoko financially with a koha. Our aim is to stay consistent in our stand to fly the Maori Flag using Creative Resistance with Media support. This will ensure that we are seen and heard as Tangata Whenua this coming Waitangi day.

To do this we require resources for the Action. So dig deep e hoa ma and give a koha in support.

Details for Donations.

Via Paypal on the CC site.



Cheques to be made out to:
Conscious Collaborations
Po. Box 91

Wire or Transfer Details:

Bank account is:
Conscious Collaborations Charitable Trust
389 005 0969 05700

Bank Name: KiwiBank
Kiwibank Limited
155 The Terrace
Wellington 6332
New Zealand.

SWIFT: bknznz22

Mumia Abu-Jamal interview on Prison Industrial Complex

Mumia Abu-Jamal is an award winning Journalist on Death-Row. In this selection from the 1996 interview he discusses prisons.


Commandante Che - EZLN - Viva Zapata

Commandante Che - EZLN - Viva Zapata latin america

Tu amor revolucionario
te conduce a nueva empresa
donde esperan la firmeza
de tu brazo libertario.

!Hasta siempre, Comandante!

EZLN - Our Word is our Weapon

Montage of pictures from the Zapatista struggle in Chiapas, Mexico, with remarks read by Subcomandante Marcos in English.

Open Letter from Patricia Trocoso Robles after 99 Days on Hunger Strike

To my beloved people, to every weichafe [warrior], to every lamieng
[sister], to every man, woman and child that seeks to construct a more
just society.

I want to express all my recognition and loyalty from this humble worn
flag, that has had to go through such silent torture these many long
days. Many may ask how I am able to write and talk from this position.
The rebellion and convection of those who struggle and continue
struggling is "absolutely legitimate." Of what can they accuse and
criminalize us for? We have only resisted unto the invading attacks of
those who rob us of our natural resources, land, and dignity; that
repress, incarcerate, murder and exploit us with no pity.

Has this state forgotten about history? It has forgotten the blood it
has spilt over our mother earth. It has forgotten the systematic
pillaging and how its arrogance and pride has reduced us to a cultural
expression that struggles for its survival; not recognizing the rights
that we have (and always have had) as ancient owners of the territory
that belonged to all of us and all that live on it. I write of this
newen, which helps me struggle day to day; from what is historically
just and would give justice not only to my people, but all peoples.

I, from this worn flag I will address everyone that seeks the same
thing I do. To not giving up after tomorrow, because after the cameras
and press are gone and we are left alone to defend ourselves, we need
to have total coherence and resistance. The enemy is silently coming
and chains you once again with greater strength, so you will never
rise up again.

The day after tomorrow we will continue to struggle, to maintain this
sense and this newen for the good of all of those who believe that
everything must change for the good of everyone.
It is for this reason, brothers and sisters, that we do not believe in
the words of this coalition government, because they have provoked all
this damage, all this death, all this injustice.

We should not believe in those who have such fragile memories, that
forget about their word. We must correlate the actions and politics of
reclamation of land and freedom for ourselves. We do not believe in
good intentions; let these be put into action and time will tell if we
can recover a bit of trust.

We do not believe in the "interpretation" of treaty No.169 (of the
ILO), ratified by the Chilean government in order to clean their image
.... The image of a stubborn, inhumane, racist, and exploitive
government that protects the rich, and displaces us of the earth's
"Newen" to all the Mapuche People from coast to coast, Newen to our
siblings of Puelmapu, our siblings in Gulumapu... United we will
triupmh against the oppressors. Newen to the Peoples of the Americas,
Newen to men and women of the earth.

Borthers and sisters, let us leave aside our protagonisms to defend
our mother earth and all that she gave birth to.

With all the strength we will defend ourselves against the oppressor
and exploiter; where one of us are touched, we are all touched.

Much strength and spirit in this hard task. Much loyalty and
transparency. Let every word be defended by blood.

To Reclaim the Land and Freedom!

OUT all of those who violate and exploiter mother earth!

Michel, Michel...? What's wrong with Michel? Who kills and tortures
just like Pinochet.

From the Hospital of Angol
January 17, 2008

Patricia Troncoso Robles - "La Chepa"

Distributed by the Women's Coordinating Committee Chile-Canada
email: wccc_98(*)hotmail.com


More arrests expected in New Caledonia after Noumea clashes

Posted at 03:31 on 18 January, 2008 UTC

Police in New Caledonia are expected to make more arrests following Thursday’s clashes between security forces and those supporting the USTKE union which has been on strike at a Noumea bus depot.

45 people were arrested during hours of clashes which left nine members of the security forces injured while more than 10 USTKE supporters were hurt when police used tear gas and rubber bullets to dislodge them.

Several cars were burnt, including police vehicles, and footage from the incidents is now being used to track down more people suspected of involvement in the violence.

Local reports say among those detained were 10 women and a minor.

A meeting has been held this morning between the French high commissioner, who instigated the police raid, and the head of the USTKE union, but neither of them has commented to the media.

The strike at the Carsud bus depot was called in support of a union demand to have a sacked worker reinstated.


MALCOLM X: Apartheid in Amerikkka

Malcolm X speaks about his experiences in Africa upon his return. He indicates that he is prepared to take the struggle for Human Rights to an International level.


G is for Genocide

and not forgetting bout talking up the business of the lands I'm standing on at the moment. As the Strayaleins settler mythology & genocide denial builds to a fever pitch on Stray Aliea day, least we forget, Aboriginal Genocide, past and present.


Report details crimes against Aborigines

Assimilating the Natives in the U.S. and Australia

Te Kupu H (Holocaust)

An group of Artists/Activists impressions of what Relevance the H word has to the native tribes of AOTEAROA (NZ)

Featuring Tame Iti, Gordon Toi, & George Nuku

Thanks to Tino Rangatiratanga TV


Stand up for Aboriginal rights

Stand up for Aboriginal rights on the first day of the new gubbament.

Tuesday, 12 February in Canberra

Meet Aboriginal Tent Embassy 11:30am

March to Parliament for 1pm rally

Turn back Howard and Brough's racist legacy!

* Mobilise for reinstatement of the Racial Discrimination Act

* Demand immediate review of the NT intervention

* End welfare quarantines, compulsory land acquisition and 'mission manager' powers

* Implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

* Aboriginal control of Aboriginal affairs

How to get there!

Buses will be leaving from the Block, opposite Redfern Station, on Tuesday 12 February. Get there at 7a.m. for 7.30am departure.

Ring Janene to book a seat on the bus – 0416 490 481 - $20 ($10 concession).

If you are interested in going down to Canberra on Monday 11 Feb, let us know that as well. Bus times for Monday are still being confirmed.

Initiated by the Aboriginal Rights Coalition, Sydney. Come to the meetings 6pm every Monday at Redfern Community Centre, Hugo St.


Shane Phillips 0414077631

Greg Eatock 0432050240

Endorsements from Aboriginal leaders include:

Olga Havnen (Combined Aboriginal Organisations of the NT) Barbara Shaw (Tangentyere council, Alice Springs) Lez Malezer (Chairman, Global Indigenous People's Caucus UN, Foundation Aboriginal Islander Rights Association) Jackie Katona (CEO of Lumbu Indigenous Community Foundation, Djokcan) Michael Mansell (Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre) Sam Watson (Brisbane) Mitch (Arrendte woman, NT) Robbie Thorpe (Melbourne) Phil Falk (Senior Lecturer School of Law, Griffith Uni, Wiradjuri nation) Linda Murphy (Lecturer, School of Arts, Griffith Uni) Sandra Phillips (QUT) Nicole Watson (Jumbunna, Sydney) Heidi Norman (UTS) Victor Hardt (Oodgeroo, QUT) Shane Phillips (Redfern) Peta Ridgeway (Newcastle) Arthur Ridgeway (Newcastle) Greg Eatock (Aboriginal Rights Coalition, Sydney) Indigenous Social Justice Association

Clashes in New Caledonia as filth break up USTKE strike

There have been clashes in New Caledonia as riot police dislodged a strike picket at a Noumea bus depot.

Police tried to disperse members of the USTKE union in the early hours of this morning for illegally occupying land that belongs to the southern province next to the Carsud bus company.

An USTKE leader, Gerard Jodar, says police used tear gas to chase away the unionists, with about a dozen of them suffering injuries.

Local radio says police made 50 arrests.

Clashes have continued and reports say several vehicles, including some belonging to the police, have been burnt.

The violence has caused disruption to the traffic in the area, with protestors blocking the toll road out of the city.

The strike was launched to demand the reinstatement of a sacked Carsud employee.

The French high commissioner, who is responsible for public safety, commented on the Carsud strike and described the methods used by the USTKE union as hooliganism.

Yves Dassonville has told local radio that the authorities have moved to restore order and will provide their information to the French prosecutor.



Aotearoa 2007 - Indymedia Highlights

thanks to the Aotearoa Indymedia Crew

October 15th Raids

In a wave of massive state repression in Aotearoa / New Zealand, 300+ para-military police carried out dawn raids at houses around the country on Monday October 15th 2007, making 17 arrests. Search warrants were carried out in Auckland, Whakatane, Ruatoki, Hamilton, Palmerston North, Wellington and in Christchurch in the South Island. The police wanted to charge 12 people under the Terrorism Suppression Act (TSA). A massive solidarity campaign formed around Aotearoa and the world to support the activists in jail and after almost 4 four weeks, the Solicitor-General, David Collins, announced that he would not be granting permission to the police to lay charges under the TSA. Everybody got released on bail. However, 16 people - people from Tūhoe, Te Atiawa, Maniapoto, Pakeha; indigenous activists, anarchists, environmental and anti-war activists - are still facing charges under the Arms Act. More information: The Struggle continues… | October15thSolidarity.info | Te Mana Motuhake ō Tūhoe | State Repression in Aotearoa

Tino Rangatiratanga - Tangata Whenua:

In Janurary, Tūhoe set up a blockade at Paekoa Rd in Ruatoki. On Waitangi Day, the Tino Rangatiratanga did not fly on the Auckland Harbour Bridge. However, it flew around Aotearoa and the world (and in May was flying/jumping on/off the bridge). In April, Ngati Haua was occupying their ancestral Maunga Whakakoro in the far northto stop it from being alienated from the Hapu forever. Maori Revolutionary Syd Jackson died in September. Thousands of people attended his tangi in Hastings. Michael Cullen had to be protected from angry protesters after being verbally abused and jostled at Taemaro Bay in December. Ngati Aukiwa has been fighting for their land for years and oppose they oppose the Office of Treaty Settlements negotiations with the Ngatikahu ki Whangaroa Trust Board. In late December, activists started to gather in the Urewera to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the occupation at Waikaremoana.


In February, Australian composer Martin Wesley-Smith's piece Papua Merdeka (Free Papua) was dropped from the Asia Pacfic Festival in Wellington after pressure from the Indonesian Embassy. May saw the relese of The Nu Face of Youth Rebellion, a film produced for Aotearoa Indymedia on the uprising in Tonga in late 2006. An Indonesian Military officer started a course in NZ in May, sparking protests from human rights activists. The same month, Auckland University students protested against a visit by former Indonesian Foreign Minister Ali Alatas. Five Tongan People's Representatives were charged with sedition in June. June also saw progress towardsa Free Trade Area of the Pacific. While the G8 met, the people of Tuvalu becamethe global face of climate change. As the Aboriginal communities of the Northern Territory in Australia came under renewed attack, people mobilised to support them across Aotearoa - Resistance is Existence: Aotearoa stands in solidarity against Australian Racism, International Day of Action: Stop the Genocide on Stolen Aboriginal Land & "Stop the Genocide!" - Protests Across Aotearoa. Helen Clark visited Jakarta in July, and ignored the abuses taking place in West Papua at the hands of the Indonesian Government. Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer came to Auckland to speak to the National Party in July, and was met with protests. August saw Fijian public sector workers on strike despite intimidation and death threats from the military government. Meanwhile, Indonesian Police used guns to threaten a West Papuan activist who toured Aotearoa in 2006. As the US-NZ Partnership Forum prepared to meet in Auckland, AIMC carried analysis of the effects of the policies it promotes in the Pacific.

Tame Iti

Dedicated to Tame Iti,
He Waahi whakaaro ki a koe e hoa!

Thanks to Tinorangatiratanga TV