The Museum Of Failure Is A Showcase Of The Greatest Innovation Failures

'Learning is the only way to turn failure into success.'

25/04/2017 2:29 PM AEST | Updated 25/04/2017 3:24 PM AEST

Remember that time you were strolling down the aisles during your weekly shop and contemplated picking up a Colgate beef lasagne for dinner, a Harley-Davidson cologne to make you smell nice for your date, or even a coffee-flavoured Coke to quench your thirst?

No, of course you don't.

You've probably never even heard of these disasters in the first place but, before you consult Google to check their authenticity, these products really did once exist and they've now found a new home in the Museum of Failure.

Getty Images
Mmmmm yeah nah.

The Museum, located in Sweden, will open in June and is dedicated to showcasing a collection of over 60 of the greatest innovation failures.

"The purpose of the Museum is to show that innovation requires failure," Dr Samuel West, who organised the collection, said.

"If we're afraid of failure then we can't innovate."

Some of the items in the collection include the infamous Bic 'For Her' pen, which boasted an "elegant design -- just for her!" and a "thin barrel to fit a woman's hand".

Yep. Seriously.

Also on show is TwitterPeek, which tried to cash in on Twitter-mania by providing users with a machine that could do nothing but look at Twitter (and even then, it couldn't display an entire Tweet on a single screen).

Thank God for the iPhone.

But before you think Apple is immune from such fails, we bring you the Apple Newton -- which was launched in 1993 -- and whose much hyped handwriting recognition software was notoriously faulty.


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