Category: state

26 Feb


Trump, Bannon & ‘deconstructing the administrative state’


When Donald Trump’s top two White House officials, Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus, appeared together at the American Conservative Union’s CPAC conference the other day, Bannon (the big ideas member of the duo) outlined the top three priorities or “lines of work” of the administration: The first is kind of national security and sovereignty and […]

03 Feb


Why better politics can’t make anti-politics go away


A recent think piece by Spiked!’s theoretical guru, Frank Furedi, is an attack on the idea that anti-politics is any kind of solution to the current breakdown in authority of the political system. It’s worth examining Furedi’s case because it aligns with anti-anti-politics arguments currently found on the Left in its softer and more radical […]

05 Oct


What’s left after the Greek debacle? (Part 3 of an obituary)


Following on from Part 1 and Part 2 of my analysis — which were first published in abridged form as a single article at Jacobin Magazine — I bring the Greek tragedy up to date with why the Syriza breakaway Popular Unity failed its first electoral test, as well as delving deeper into the dead-end of trying […]

02 Oct

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Kevin Ovenden’s Syriza: Inside the Labyrinth out now


Left Flank’s Kevin Ovenden has just released his book on Syriza, and its rise as a key party of the European radical Left. Syriza: Inside the Labyrinth is a must-read for those interested in radical politics in Greece, and more broadly across Europe. Many of you will have followed Kevin’s posts on Greece through this blog. We were very pleased to work […]

17 Sep


The murder of Pavlos Fyssas: a political anatomy


On the occasion of the second anniversary of the murder of Greek antifascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas, we are publishing a detailed account and political analysis of the crime and the neo-Nazi organisation behind it, Golden Dawn, written by THANASIS KAMPAGIANNIS, one of the lawyers involved in the trial. Left Flank strongly encourages all our readers […]

11 Jun

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Australia’s racial state, Indigenous Recognition & the Left


This article was first published at New Matilda. For those who think that Indigenous rights issues generally split people along Left/Right political lines, the stoush within the conservative camp between influential Herald-Sun columnist and blogger Andrew Bolt and The Australian over “Recognition” must be confusing. Yet for months now Bolt and the Murdoch-owned broadsheet have […]

02 Jan


Understanding Podemos (3/3): ‘Commonsense’ policy


This is the third part of Left Flank’s series exploring the rise of Podemos. [i] The first part looked at how the new organisations drew on the inspiration and power of the 15-M (“Indignados”) movement. The second part critically examined the Podemos leadership’s deployment of radical populist strategy. In the third part Luke Stobart examines […]

08 Dec


‘Abolishing the present state of things’


Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence. —Marx & Engels (1845), The German […]

18 Nov


Reply to Callinicos on anti-politics & social struggle


When Elizabeth Humphrys and I originally wrote “Anti-politics: Elephant in the room” on Left Flank just over a year ago, we were trying to summarise the changes in our thinking over the causes and consequences of the “crisis of representation” that the blog had been focused on since its inception. The post has been widely […]