
Letters to the Editor

A public mockery

After 91 submissions, most condemning the plastics plant, Mr Gentleman has recommended against approval.

Premier shoots from the lip

Gladys Berejiklian's rant raises worrying questions about her understanding of the Australian Federation and basic tenets of our democracy.

Opportunities no longer exist

It's really not fair that so many of us had a free education but now young people are harshly penalised.

Don’t put tram in a jam

The announcement of possible routes for the Civic-Woden light rail project is an exercise in futility.

Fair dinkum mate

The key to a successful life in Australia is to be a competent English speaker. Is that a value?

Controlling 'truth'

The government's response to trouble on Manus Island was no surprise.

Leaders too unfit to 'deter'

Trump insists that we need US nuclear weapons for our protection and refuses to rule out their use on our behalf.

Letters to the editor: Dept of Defence, not attack

In his first measured statement on military matters, President Donald Trump said: "It is in the vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons."