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  1. vor 2 Stunden

    An extraordinary & horrific account of the carnage of on the front page of Wednesday's

  2. hat retweetet
    vor 10 Stunden

    UK police/security services have done good job v terrorism over the years. This attack shows scale of challenge, not that they have failed.

  3. vor 2 Stunden

    Quite a sight in Brussels today - 28 flags, all the EU member states, all at half mast.

  4. hat retweetet
    vor 5 Stunden
  5. vor 3 Stunden

    Manchester Attack: Vigil poem of defiance

  6. vor 5 Stunden
  7. hat retweetet
    vor 5 Stunden

    Could only half hear this as I was working and it sounded great then, the full thing is really quite something.

  8. hat retweetet
    vor 7 Stunden

    Roger Moore, best known for playing James Bond, has died at the age of 89

    Roger Moore dies at 89
    Roger Moore, best known for playing James Bond, has died at the age of 89
  9. hat retweetet
    vor 7 Stunden

    This is actually wonderfully uplifting. Please take a sec and read to the end.

  10. hat retweetet
    vor 7 Stunden
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    Somewhere! It's in two bits now, but whether at mine or my parents, I've no idea. Looks like a job for this evening...

  11. hat retweetet
    vor 7 Stunden

    Awwwwww - that is brilliant!! Really epitomises the kind of man James Bond..... I mean Roger Moore was 😁

  12. vor 7 Stunden

    . tells me his job tonight is to dig out and dust down the old plane ticket. He still has it somewhere!

  13. vor 7 Stunden

    A wonderfully uplifting tale about a young boy who once met James Bond. It'll make you smile.

  14. hat retweetet
    vor 10 Stunden

    The family of former James Bond star Sir Roger Moore says he has died aged 89 after suffering from cancer

  15. hat retweetet
    vor 11 Stunden
  16. hat retweetet
    vor 12 Stunden

    : I don't want the EU to disintegrate and I don't think it will

  17. hat retweetet
    vor 11 Stunden

    : the US will offer a trade deal to the UK after

  18. hat retweetet
    vor 11 Stunden

    : the world has changed, away from supranational entities

  19. hat retweetet
    vor 11 Stunden

    This is v good from BBC Newsround

  20. vor 11 Stunden
    Antwort an und

    . says the current EU is 'bloated by bureaucracy and more & more anti-American.'

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