As Yemen starves, Britain is arming Saudi bombing runs

Campaigners are challenging British complicity in the Yemen carnage, writes Campaign Against Arms Trade spokesperson Andrew Smith.

March 26th marked two years since the Saudi-led bombardment of Yemen began. Since then, 10,000 people have been killed and millions have been left without access to vital infrastructure, clean water or electricity. An estimated 17 million people are food-insecure and require urgent humanitarian assistance

For decades now, Saudi Arabia has… Continue reading

Good gravy not another bloody election…

As I write, a million words are being typed on the same subject as quickly as fingers can slam downwards, in a quest to shovel something regarding Theresa May’s election plans onto front pages around the world within the next few minutes.

The hottest of takes are being prepared, barely thought-through analysis and nuggets of partisan wisdom cracking like little gunshots onto plastic receivers and lancing up to screens for… Continue reading

Venezuela: State Power — when the Left is the problem

As protests rise once again on the streets of Caracas, we are witnessing a struggle between the conservative Venezuelan bourgeoisie removed from control of the State apparatus and an emerging middle class which uses the State as a lever of accumulation, writes Raúl Zibechi.

What is happening in Venezuela has no connection with a “revolution” or “socialism” or the “defence of democracy,” nor even with the hackneyed… Continue reading

Spain: CGT acquitted of ‘ridiculing Catholicism’ with Procession of the Holy Pussy

Early this week a regional court told lawyers for the hardline Christian Advocates Association they would not be allowed to sue the anarcho-syndicalist CGT union for “offending the Catholic religion,” though a number of feminist organisers are still being targeted.

The religious group was attempting to tie CGT organisers to a “Feminist Aquelarre” (coven) gathering which took place at the same time as a CGT Labour Day… Continue reading

Notes from the US

Louis Further brings us his latest update from across the pond, rounding up some of the happenings you won’t have heard of in the land of the “free”

Environmental damage

One of the most dangerous appointments which Trump has made is that of Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Not only does Pruitt (as well as Trump) deny (the human causes of) climate change; but he has… Continue reading

Brazil’s criminalised social movements: 2013 never ended

Organisations across Brazil have hit out over the last few weeks over the ongoing criminalisation of social movements, in particular the long-running campaign of demonisation and legal gagging against activists from transport campaign Bloco de Luta and the MST landless movement.

Based in Porto Alegre, Bloco del Luta has been facing heavy repression since its members helped organise a massive series of protests and occupations in 2013  against… Continue reading

Chile: Women and the pensions backlash

Following a new wave of protests against Chile’s Pinochet-era privatised pensions system, María Carrasco of libertarian communist journal Solidaridad looks at why women have particular reason to stand up for a new way.

Major rallies have been ongoing since last year against the six private for-profit funds which currently hold Chile’s £122 billion in assets but pay just £320 a month to poorer pensioners.

When we speak… Continue reading

Picturehouse living wage strikes spread to East Dulwich and Brighton

Workers at London Picturehouse cinemas in Brixton, Hackney, Crouch End and Piccadilly will be on strike again on April 15th. They will be joined by East Dulwich, and Duke of York’s Cinema in Brighton, striking for the first time. The strikers want the living wage, sick pay, maternity pay and union recognition. The cinema workers’ union, Bectu, reports that the most recent strike ballot was 96.8% in favour of industrial… Continue reading

We must end the toffsplaining of capitalism

The UK leaving the European Union naturally dominates the news in Britain. At some point in the not-too-distant future the debate on a whole range of issue is going to shift. The ills of the modern world will no longer be seen as being caused by the undemocratic bureaucrats of Brussels or by immigrants.

The logic of our times is a reaction to the financial crisis of 2008. This is… Continue reading

France: Revolutionary syndicalists call week of debates to ‘kill the ostrich’

Activists with the Comités Syndicalistes Révolutionnaires (CSR) have announced a major new initiative to “kill the ostrich” of failing industrial unionism with its head in the sand, planning a week-long series of debates and training for the summer.

The training and debate days from July 10th-16th will be open to international militants. Their main themes will be industrial syndicalism and workers’ sociability. Organisers say it will… Continue reading