Petition Closed
Petitioning Senator for Queensland Claire Moore and 21 others

Australian Government: Stop "Stronger Futures" and support Aboriginal self-determination in the NT


The Australian Government is currently considering passing legislation that will undermine the human rights of Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory for the next 10 years.

The “Stronger Futures” legislation will maintain many parts of the Northern Territory Intervention; a policy that has attracted United Nations condemnation for its racial discrimination against Aboriginal people and their cultures.

It will grant complete Commonwealth control over townships and camps. It will increase punitive measures and alcohol bans, while slashing funds to vital jobs programs. And it will expand a failed program that quarantines welfare payments based on school attendance.

The government should withdraw this legislation.

It has been developed without the free, prior and informed consent of Aboriginal communities, and it will give the Government 10 more years of control.

Aboriginal Elders, community leaders and Aboriginal organisations across the Northern Territory have opposed the legislation, and are demanding the right to control their own futures. Years of this top-down policy-making by the Government have taken power away from communities and have overseen increasing poverty and social breakdown.

Since the Northern Territory Intervention started in 2007:
- Incarceration of Aboriginal people has increased by 41%
- Attempted suicide and self-harm amongst Aboriginal youth has doubled
- Aboriginal life expectancy continues to be the lowest of any Indigenous group on the world.

The Government should give Aboriginal people the right to control their own futures.

Please sign the petition, and ensure the Government withdraws the legislation in its current form.

Find us on Facebook -- -- for more updates and help us reach our goal of 100,000 signatures before June 18th!

This petition was delivered to:
  • Senator for Queensland
    Claire Moore
  • Senator for Tasmania
    Carol Brown
  • Senator for New South Wales
    Doug Cameron
  • Senator for Northern Territory
    Trish Crossin
  • Senator for New South Wales
    John Faulkner
  • Senator for Queensland
    Mark Furner
  • Senator for South Australia
    Sarah Hanson-Young
  • Senator for Victoria
    Bridget McKenzie
  • Independent Senator for South Australia, Leader of Nick Xenophon Team
    Nick Xenophon
  • Leader of the Greens
    Bob Brown
  • Senator for Queensland
    Sue Boyce
  • Senator for Western Australia
    Judith Adams
  • Minister for Indigenous Affairs
    Jenny Macklin
  • Leader of the Opposition
    Tony Abbott
  • Attorney General
    Nicola Roxon
  • Senator for Tasmania
    Christine Milne
  • Senator for Western Australia
    Scott Ludlam
  • Senator for Western Australia
    Rachel Siewert
  • Senator for Victoria
    Richard Di Natale
  • Prime Minister
    Julia Gillard
  • Shadow Indigenous Affairs Minister
    Nigel Scullion
  • Leader of the Australian Greens
    Senator Richard Di Natale

Stand For Freedom started this petition with a single signature, and now has 43,069 supporters. Start a petition today to change something you care about.