The Other Side of the Coin

Aboriginal activist campaigned in Europe 100 years ago

Anthony Martin Fernando was one of the first Aboriginal political activists yet he lived more than half his life overseas.

He is believed to have led a solitary life but had an extraordinary political career.

On his sometimes wandering journey, he left evidence - bits and pieces of an activist life that we're only now putting together. Fernando told anyone who cared to listen that his people were being exterminated, that the toy skeletons he sold on the streets of London were all that Australia had left of his people.

Audio File  AUDIO:  Fernando's Ghost - ABC AWAYE! - Program first broadcast on ABC 'Hindsight' 2007

Walmadan Sovereign Embassy elder takes Woodside to court

Original elder Richard Hunter launched a case today claiming the gas hub approval process was not followed correctly by Woodside or the Shire of Broome at Walmadan (James Price Point) 60kms north of Broome, WA.

Mr Hunter's lawyer, Josie Walker, says if this can be proved, the entire approval process could be deemed invalid.

Meanwhile, despite considerable cultural, environmental, anthropological and community based objections, Woodsite continues to bulldoze sacred country.

Foundation Meeting of the Sovereign Union – National Unity Government

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The 2 day National Assembly of Nations has concluded.

Fred Hooper of the Murrawarri is to head the establishment of the constitutional framework for the National Unity Government - he will be supported by Judulu of the Kunghi Djunkun . Jululu is also delegated to communicate with tribal ceremonial Elders across the nations to co-ordinate the joining of ancient songlines.

Vanessa Colbong of the Wdjuk, Wilmen and Ingarda is delegated to co-ordinate the unification of the nations in the southern half of Western Australia. Peter Skuthorpe of the Gomeroi nation is responsible for co-ordinating youth action and education. Michael Anderson, is the national co-ordinator and responsible for all diplomatic relations both domestic and international.

Media Statement - includes communiqué of the 'Act of Sovereign Union' and stated principles
Audio File  AUDIO:  National Assembly 2012 - Voices of unity Dootch, Kevin, Pete, Vanessa & Michael

Amnesty: Originals treated appallingly - UN council useless

Australia has been strongly criticised by Amnisty International for violating the rights of Aborigines and trying to send asylum seekers offshore for processing.

Amnisty's Annual Report states that the UN Security Council has failed to match the courage shown by protesters around the world.

Amnesty International national director Claire Mallinson said, "People need to realise the first peoples of Australia are being treated in an appalling manner." - 2 reports

Audio File  AUDIO: Amnesty Slams Australia's treatment of Originals CAAMA News 25/5/12

UN: Legislation must be based on meaningful consultation

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Pacific representative Matilda Bogner said the UN's various indigenous and human rights offices had loudly criticised the original NT intervention policies, which were brought in by the Howard government.

Ms Bogner said "it would seem that mistakes are being repeated and lessons have not been learnt".

Legislation must ensure that a high degree of control over decision making is given to indigenous communities.

Brisbane Tent Embassy given permanent site

After an elders meeting with the Brisbane Mayor a spokesman for the council said the protesters would be able to maintain a marquee, "a couple of tents" and an open fire on the embassy site.

Local Original activist Sam Watson said tensions from last week's eviction remained but the Indigenous community was nevertheless positive at the prospect of formal ownership over the second site.

"For the first time our connection, our right to have a say in the way in which this park is used, has finally been acknowledged."

The Northern Territory is a Prison built brick by brick by the 'Commonwealth'

... People are not the property of people

Racist Australia

The majority of the original people in the Northern Territory are in a prison like custodial jurisdiction and hence the subsequent trauma, causal, situational, inter-generational, compounded daily by their discrimination, exploitation ... and hence the stripping, the erosion, the diminution of peoples' identities; historical, cultural, contemporary and as human beings - there is the impost of inequality.

"We are not boss of our people, we are not boss of us, our ways are looked down and young people and rich people come in here and tell us we are nothing, we are no good and that they know better."

Brisbane sovereigns meet with Crime and Misconduct Commission

Sovereign Tent Embassy members have vowed to regain their camp site in Brisbane's Musgrave Park, after a meeting with the Crime and Misconduct Commission today.

Embassy members attended CMC headquarters in Fortitude Valley this afternoon to file complaints against Premier Campbell Newman, Lord Mayor Graham Quirk, Police Minister Jack Dempsey and Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson.

"We want the CMC to look at the entire issue of who pushed the buttons," spokesman Sam Watson said.

Audio File  AUDIO:  Wayne Wharton - Official Complaint Lodged CAAMA News 21/05/12

Swan Valley Nyoongar community returns to Lockridge camp

Swan Valley Nyoongars in Western Australia say that they have reclaimed the controversial Lockridge community camp by setting up a tent embassy and have vowed to fight to stay.

The community has been at the campsite since Thursday, when neighbours say they scaled the fences to gain entry.

Reclaiming territory that has been 'country' for Original Australians for at least 38,000 years, Greg Martin from the Embassy presented Herbert Bropho with a Sovereignty Pack that contains copies of the Pacific Islanders Acts of 1872 and 1875.

Audio File  AUDIO:  Bella Bropho - Swan Valley Originals return to Lockridge CAAMA News 21/05/12

Statements leave Brisbane Mayor standing on very thin ice

After a three hour consolidation meeting after the eviction, Mr Shannon Ruska, a Yuggera elder said they will meet Mayor Graham Quirk's at a meeting next Tuesday 22nd May, and that an indigenous 'Welcome to Country' ceremony should become a permanent feature of the annual Greek Paniyiri Festival.

Chris Kazonis - Paniyiri Festival spokesperson said the Greek communities concern was not the Tent Embassy being there but the amount of recently erected tents at the events main entrance. "It wasn't a major thing and I thought we could work around it, quite comfortably," he said.