Robbie Thorpe Documentary

If you can support this project we will get to see Robbie Thorpes story. One of the leaders in the struggle for the rights of the original people of this land. He has never stopped speaking out and challenging government over the illegal occupation of this land. He has dedicated his life to this fight.


Robbie Thorpe Documentary
By Anthony Kelly

"I'd encourage people to throw in some coin to get this film made. Robbie Thorpe is one of the great activists of our times." - Alex Ettling

Aboriginal resistance to the invasion of Australia never ceased. It continues today.

Aboriginal political activist Robbie Thorpe stands as part of a long line of Indigenous resistance to invasion. His story is an important one.

This short documentary will trace Robbie’s life and politics and explore what is at stake for a First Nations person upon land that was stolen and whose sovereignty never been ceded.

Robbie Thorpe has organised challenges to ongoing genocide, colonization and assimilation for over 30 years, working toward indigenous economic and political independence.

He has launched High Court legal actions, run a series of high-profile and controversial political and cultural interventions and remains a fierce and unrelenting advocate for his people.

Robbie is Krauatungalung (Gurnai) / Djapwurrung (Gundditjmara) raised at Bung Yarnda or the Lake Tyers ‘Mission’ in Eastern Victoria. He is outspoken and always provocative, providing voice and leadership yet also acting as a mentor and quiet support to indigenous and non-indigenous people alike. He stands unapologetically on the most controversial and radical edge of Indigenous politics.

The documentary will offer insight into the making of this Aboriginal activist leader, about the patterns of modern resistance to oppression, and what this has to say about Australia now.