Petition - Help us get enough signatures to prompt action

To the International Criminal Court, Office of the Prosecutor

We have filed facts and contentions regarding the Commonwealth of Australia's practices that contravene the Rome Statute of ICC.

To date the ICC has failed to clearly indicate to us why the submissions have not met acceptance criteria; as a matter of fact, it looks like the tactics of the Australian Judicial system's efforts to pervert justice.

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The Petition

To the
International Criminal Court, Office of the Prosecutor

Our Reference: OTP-CR-415/09

We have filed facts and contentions regarding the Commonwealth of Australia's practices that contravene the Rome Statute of ICC.

To date the ICC has failed to clearly indicate to us why the submissions have not met acceptance criteria; as a matter of fact, it looks like the tactics of the Australian Judicial system's efforts to pervert justice.

"To distrust the judiciary marks the beginning of the end of society", says Honoré de Balzac. It's important that United Nations bodies and ICC maintain the trust of the World.

Will the ICC show courage and reveal to World how the ICC process works, and how it arrives at its conclusions, in this particular case.

Ongoing Aboriginal Genocide In Apartheid Australia by Dr Gideon Polya clearly explains the definitions and how Australia has violated international laws with FULL intent to destroy, not only Indigenous and Aborigines, but also immigrants and refugees.

Black deaths in custody, Yellow deaths in custody, Refugee suicides.

Will the ICC show courage and reveal to World how the process works?

We need your help to a difference - please click above link and sign now!

Will the ICC reply to the fact and contentions presented by Elder Robbie Thorpe in this YouTube video?

Will the ICC tell the World if there is one set of laws for Australia and another set of laws for Burma and other underdeveloped nations?

Will the ICC reply to the fact and contentions presented by Elder Robbie Thorpe in the attached video?

Compulsory Acquisition - KimberleyLARGER VIEW VIDEO: Aboriginal Elder seeks clarification of Australian Sovereignty

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