ACT News

Who will be the new ABC newsreader now Virginia Haussegger has quit?

She's been the face of Canberra's ABC TV News for more than 15 years, but now Virginia Haussegger has vacated the chair, who will be the next to sit in it?

The veteran television presenter announced she was leaving the news desk on Monday to head up a new foundation dedicated to increasing the number of female policymakers.

The longtime current affairs journalist will present her last bulletin on October 7 to take up the role of director at the University of Canberra's 50/50 by 2030 Foundation.

Canberra's weekend newsreader Craig Allen will present Monday to Friday while they seek a replacement for Haussegger.

Siobhan Heanue, Narda Gilmore and Adrienne Francis will cover the weekend news reading shifts while recruitment takes place.

There has been speculation one of these presenters could step up into the anchor job following Haussegger's departure.


Allen has been Canberra's weekend newsreader since 2003 and has had stints reporting for Stateline, the 7.30 Report, as well as ABC 666.

Heanue has been with the ABC since she joined as a cadet 10 years ago. This month she travelled around Iraq meeting the Iraqi soldiers and officers taking on Islamic State.

Francis joined the ABC Canberra team in 2010 via the Northern Territory and presents for television, radio and online while Gilmore has reported for ABC 666 and Lateline.

Whoever ultimately lands the role won't be known for a little while.

"We're going to be taking our time to find the right person," ABC's ACT news editor Eric Napper said. 

Meanwhile the announcement of Haussegger's new gig has been met with praise.

"Great to have your expertise and energy in pursuit of gender equality in policy-making roles," Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins tweeted.

She will start her work with the foundation in mid-November.