The Video4Change Network is currently exploring the impact of short form, low-budget social change film. The key output of this work is the Video4Change Impact Cookbook, a guide to designing for impact within Video for Change initiatives. Currently in Beta, the final version will be released in late 2017. Below you can find blog posts that explore the 'impact field' and inform the development of the Cookbook.

Video for Change practitioners can no longer get around impact. Donors require video-makers to measure their impact and lately, a lot of attention has been given to video’s role within society and civic movements. Britdoc’s Impact Guide is...
Ever since I started my work for the Video4Change Network, which was in late November 2015, I’ve been continuously confronted with the word, “impact”. More specifically, impact in the context of Video for Change. What is it? How do we measure it?...
Today, audiovisual recording devices are everywhere. But does picking one up and hitting record necessarily mean creating an impact? Are people generally concerned, or even aware, of the impact a video can have?The omnipresence of the camera in our...
Above: Leftists at a demonstration at the French Ministry of Justice, fighting for the rights of immigrants: Jean-Paul Sartre and Michel Foucault, 1972.Since 2012, the Video4Change (V4C) network has been engaged in research to explore the impacts of...
Download working paperThe video4change network has been collaborating on a project with researchers to identify opportunities, needs, challenges and barriers for creating and measuring social impact within Video for Change initiatives for the past...
In October 2014 we asked Video for Change practitioners to complete a survey to help us better understand impact design and impact assessment practices and needs.41 people completed our survey and by far most were working in Asia (91%) followed by...
Earlier this month at our EngageMedia office in Yogyakarta, Indonesia we hosted a consultation session with organisations that are using video as an approach to create or support social change. This consultation is the first in a series we have...
Videomaker: Amol LalzareOrganisation: Video VolunteersVideo Title: Indian Railways Blind to DisabilityIn our last post we talked with Indian NGO, Video Volunteers, and we discussed their Video for Change model and how they measure impact. In this...
Breakthroughs in Shared Measurement and Social Impact takes a refreshing approach to investigating impact and knowledge sharing. Moving away from closed, single organisation evaluation models, the approach encourages organisations working toward the...
In this installment of the Dimensions of Impact series, we look at another report from the Center for Media and Social Impact: "Social Justice Documentary: Designing for Impact." Written in 2011 by Jessica Clark and Barbara Abrash, this report...
