WA News

Freak hailstorms pelt Perth suburb, WA country towns

While most Perth suburbs were enjoying unbroken sunny skies on Sunday, residents of Hammond Park in the City of Cockburn were rubbing their eyes and gazing unbelievingly outside at a flash hailstorm.

The three reported hailstorms – the others in the Mid West town of Carnamah and the Wheatbelt town of Kellerberrin – were isolated but all caused by the same hyper-localised conditions, the Bureau of Meteorology explained.

The hailstorm in Carnamah.  Photo: Rhonda Welsh/Perth Weather Live

"Hail storms are localised because of the nature of thunderstorms as cellular-based," duty forecaster Jessica Wilkes said.

"Hail is always a risk factor, because thunderstorm cells go to the top of the atmosphere, but many elements have to come together to create the right environment.

"In these cases the environment would have been perfect."

Ms Wilkes said hail could only form in parts of the atmosphere above what meteorologists terms the 'freezing level' and this level was quite low through some parts of the atmosphere on Sunday.

Strong updrafts were needed to get moisture up into the atmosphere and keep it above this 'freezing level' long enough to enlarge, eventually growing big enough to drop as hailstones from the clouds.

While separate, the three thunderstorms had fostered the same favourable features for hail.

Another home in Carnamah on Sunday.  Photo: Rhianna Tomsett/Perth Weather Live

The Bureau's current seasonal outlook suggests the freak storm might have been the only weather excitement Perth might see for a while.

The seven-day forecast shows picture-perfect sunny days ranging from 24 to 27 degrees, marred only by a little cloud on Wednesday.

The outlook to June shows Perth only has a 30 per cent chance of exceeding its average rainfall for the period.

Emergency services, however, issued a storm warning late Monday morning for those in Newman, Jigalong and Three Rivers in the Pilbara, Gascoyne and South Interior Districts.

A flood warning for the De Grey River catchment area in the Pilbara has been cancelled.