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Meet the Dockers' most remote fans

Any AFL fan will know the pain of missing out on watching their team play live, either at the game or on the telly. 

Being on holidays, work commitments or watching children play sport, there's many reasons a supporter misses the opportunity to cheer on their team in real time.

So spare a thought for Freo faithfuls, Georgia and Alex Gaskin. 

Fremantle members for 15 years, the Gaskins moved from Perth to Helsinki in Finland in late 2016.  Alex's first priority when he arrived was to establish a link to AFL games.

"I was so happy when another ex-pat told me about the app WatchAFL," Alex said. 

"So far this season we've managed to watch every Freo game live, albeit at unusual times.  Round 4, we were up at 7am, wearing purple and drinking beer.  Freo v Melbourne at the G. Great game, we won". 


However, the most unusual and remote location that the Gaskins have watched a game would have to be from a log cabin in a town called Ruokolahti on the Finland- Russia border.

The magic of live streaming via WatchAFL and onto the TV via appleTV, the Gaskins once again were able to witness their team snatch another win.

This weekend with the lead up to the Derby the Gaskins are already planning on where and how they will watch the game. 

"We'll be in Estonia this weekend so I've been checking out a few pubs that might be playing it. If we can't find anywhere we always have the live streaming and can watch it on our laptop so there's no way we'll miss it,"  Alex said

No doubt the Gaskins aren't the only supporters live streaming games.  

The popularity of sports apps and the consumers demand for live viewing anywhere, anytime is becoming more of an expectation rather than a luxury. 

AFL writer Kim Hagdorn recounts a time while playing cricket in Scotland in the late 70's he would have to wait at least 8 days to get his WAFL news.  His mum would cut out all the press clippings of the WAFL games and post them via airmail to Scotland.  

The old saying 'times have changed' can never be truer.

So wherever Freo's dedicated supporters Georgia and Alex are watching the derby from, let's hope it's a good game and Fremantle win!

(Written by a Freo supporter)