

French election: Emmanuel Macron campaign targeted by 'Russian phishing' attack

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New York: The campaign of the French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron has been targeted by what appears to be the same Russian operatives responsible for hacks of Democratic campaign officials before last year's US presidential election, a cyber security firm warns in a new report.

The report, to be released on Tuesday, has heightened concerns that Russia may turn its playbook on France in an effort to harm Macron's candidacy and bolster that of Macron's rival, the former National Front leader Marine Le Pen, in the final weeks of the French presidential campaign.

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Macron, Le Pen in French vote runoff

Centrist Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen are set to face each other in a May 7 runoff for the French presidency after coming first and second in Sunday's first round of voting, early projections indicated.

Security researchers at the cyber security firm, Trend Micro, said that on March 15 they spotted a hacking group they believe to be a Russian intelligence unit turn their weapons on Macron's campaign - sending emails to campaign officials and others with links to fake websites designed to bait them into turning over passwords.

The group began registering several decoy internet addresses last month and as recently as April 15, naming one '' and another '' to mimic the name of Macron's political party, En Marche.

Those websites were registered to a block of web addresses that Trend Micro's researchers say belong to the Russian intelligence unit they refer to as Pawn Storm, but is alternatively known by the name Fancy Bear, APT 28 or the Sofacy Group. US and European intelligence agencies and US private security researchers determined that the group was responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee last year.

On Tuesday, Trend Micro's researchers plan to release their report detailing cyber attacks in recent weeks against Macron's campaign - as well as members of Germany's Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung, a political foundation linked to Chancellor Angela Merkel's political party - in what appear to be the latest Russian effort to influence political outcomes in the West.


The Kremlin scoffed at the report. Dmitry Peskov, the spokesman for President Vladimir Putin, said on Monday in Moscow that "this all recalls the accusations that came from Washington and which are still suspended in thin air." In remarks to Russian news media, he added that Russia had "never interfered in foreign elections.

But the report's findings gave some credence to the "strong suspicions" voiced weeks before Sunday's voting by Macron's digital director, Mounir Mahjoubi, that Moscow was the source of what he said had been a barrage of "highly sophisticated" efforts to gain access to the campaign's email accounts.

Mahjoubi said both in an interview Monday and earlier in April that he had no proof of a Russian role, but that the nature and timing of so-called phishing attacks and web assaults on the Macron campaign had stirred worries that Russia was repeating in France what US intelligence agencies say was a concerted effort to undermine Hillary Clinton's campaign.

"The phishing pages we are talking about are very personalised web pages to look like the real address," Mahjoubi added. Anyone could easily think he was logging in to his own email. "They were pixel perfect," he said Monday night. "It's exactly the same page. That means there was talent behind it and time went into it: talent, money, experience, time and will."

The goal was to obtain the email passwords of campaign staff members so a cyber attacker could lurk inside an email account reading confidential correspondence.

"If you are speed reading as you sign on, and everybody speed reads online, it's something you might not notice," Mahjoubi said. "For instance, it uses a hyphen instead of a dot, and if you are speed reading you don't look at the URL."

This winter, the campaign's website also came under attack. The attacks coincided with highly slanted articles about Macron on the French language services of Sputnik and RT, formerly Russia Today. Both are state-funded Russian news media outlets.

Mahjoubi described the phishing attacks as the "invisible side" of an apparent Russian campaign to hurt Macron, while the "visible side" took the form of fake news or highly slanted stories in the French-language Russian media.

Russia, or at least its state-controlled media, clearly favoured Le Pen.

The success of its cyber attacks in the United States have only bolstered the group's ambitions, security researchers say.

"This is the new normal," said Tom Kellermann, a cyber intelligence expert and the chief executive at Strategic Cyber Ventures. "Geopolitical events will now serve as harbingers for these types of attacks."

New York Times