

House of Bond boils Alan Bond down to basics - marriage, affairs and business gambles

The fictional Alan Bond has cash to splash, but doesn't know his Manet from Monet.

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Australian television is besotted with biopics. Often, when free-to-air channels decide to commission "event" miniseries, the focus will be on real people. Perhaps the rationale is that there's less of a need to sell the production as the potential audience is already familiar with, and, ideally, curious about, the subject.

The local industry isn't alone in that thinking. When the global giant National Geographic decided to invest in its first original drama series, the subject selected was Albert Einstein.

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The Channel Nine biopic about Alan Bond, the man behind one of the biggest corporate fraud cases in Australian history.

Over recent years, there's been no shortage of home-grown offerings: Brock, Molly, Beaconsfield, Hawke, Killing Time, various Underbelly instalments, Better Man, Deadline Gallipoli, Carlotta, Schapelle, Underground: The Julian Assange Story, Catching Milat, INXS: Never Tear Us Apart, Paper Giants: The Birth of Cleo, Paper Giants: Magazine Wars, Howzat! Kerry Packer's War, Power Games: The Packer-Murdoch Story, Peter Allen: Not the Boy Next Door and Hoges: The Paul Hogan Story.

But biopics can be a tricky proposition and some are definitely better than others. A straight chronology of high and lowlights can be plodding and dull, while sometimes the dramatic licence taken and flourishes inserted to spice up a story result in cheesiness. But when they work, showing us something that we didn't know about the person and their life and times – with 2015's Peter Allen miniseries as a good example – the results can be compelling and illuminating.

These screen biographies frequently play out in flashback, probably so that viewers unfamiliar with the subject get a quick upfront recap on their significance. That's the approach taken by the latest entry to the genre, Nine's House of Bond. It arrives as a kind of companion piece to the House of Hancock (2015), which saw the network embroiled in legal action when mining mogul Gina Rinehart took exception to its portrayal of her and her family.

Bond also focuses on the trials of a high-profile, wealthy and controversial WA family and promises to take us behind the closed gilded doors of the mansions in a variation on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. Built around an episodic structure and deftly directed by Mark Joffe (Spotswood, Jack Irish), its two parts divide neatly into the rise and fall of Alan Bond. The opener sees a brash young grasper building a real-estate empire on debt and follows him through to the historic 1983 victory in the America's Cup. After which it's basically downhill: ill-advised forays into brewing, media and mining, the impact of the 1987 market crash and the wrong-headed assault on Tiny Rowland's Lonrho conglomerate.


Bond's business acumen is based on philosophies such as "debt equals wealth" and "You don't need money: money needs you". His approach to life is summed up by the maxim "Not everyone gets the keys to the kingdom and if you do, you need to act like a king".

Boiled down to basics – – – the screenplay by Sarah Smith depicts Bond as a self-made billionaire who invested in valuable paintings as status symbol but didn't know his Manet from his Monet. The story has the quality of a Shakespearean tragedy: a central character driven by ambition, greed and hubris whose ethos is to keep moving forward, shark-like, in order to evade constraint.

Opening with Bond at his cocky peak, provocatively dancing on the deck of one of his yachts, the drama quickly establishes him as an unreliable narrator, displaying a rosy view of his own actions and a PR man's gift for spin. But we can believe him when he says, "People have said, 'Be careful what you wish for.' I never had that problem: I always wanted more."

Ben Mingay plays the onetime sign-writer as a cocky flim-flam man, bubbling with bluster and bulldust, driven by a go-go energy and boundless appetite for money and acquisitions. Much of the drama is built around a love triangle between him, his earthy redhead wife, Eileen (Adrienne Pickering), the mother of his four barely seen children, and his ethereal blonde mistress, Diana Bliss (Rachael Taylor). There's an entertaining guest appearance from the reliably impressive Sam Neill as the shrewd Rowland and Gyton Grantley in a thankless role as money man Peter Beckwith. The rest of the cast is largely irrelevant, through no fault of their own.

Though Joffe nimbly manages to get around it, sometimes with clever use of CGI, animation and archival footage and often by keeping the frames tight, House of Bond was clearly not a production with a lot of cash to splash around, despite its focus on high-flyers and a jet-set lifestyle.

But it does capture the flash-and-dazzle of the era and offers some insight into a singular and spectacular rise and fall.