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Hunter Valley woman Wendy Bowman, 83, awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize

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The first time a mine forced Wendy Bowman off her Hunter Valley farm, it followed a four-year legal battle in which she fought to prove her land had been destroyed.

The second time she was served an eviction notice, with just six weeks to make way for a new mine.

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The third time, she said "enough was enough".

At 83, Mrs Bowman seems an unlikely character to be taking on Yancoal, one of the biggest mining companies in the world. And yet the self-described "country girl" has been lauded for "turning the tables" in the fight against coal development in the Hunter Valley.

"She's the accidental activist. Tireless, strong, resilient ... and fearless where she sees injustice. She will always speak up," said Sue Higginson, chief executive of the Environmental Defenders Office NSW.

"Wendy has taken a stand for all of us and for future generations."


The octogenarian's work was recognised on Monday when she was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize, the world's pre-eminent environmental award for grassroots conservation, which supports individuals taking extraordinary actions to win victories against the odds.

"You can't just be given this award because you try ... you need to win," said friend and colleague George Woods of Lock The Gate Alliance.

"The example Wendy set in her court victory overturned a practice in the way the NSW government deals with mines in the regular buy-up of farm land."

In 2010, Chinese-owned mining company Yancoal proposed to extend the Ashton South East Open Cut mine, which would impact on Mrs Bowman's grazing lands in Camberwell and the banks of a critical water tributary.

As one of the few landowners left in the area, Mrs Bowman became the key complainant in a public interest lawsuit to fight the expansion.

After a lengthy battle, the Land and Environment Court declared in 2014 that the mine expansion could proceed, on one condition: if Yancoal could convince Mrs Bowman to sell her land.

Mrs Bowman describes it as "the weirdest decision", for it effectively stopped the mine in its tracks, and placed power in the hands of a landholder.

"If the judge had said the mine couldn't go ahead, [Yancoal] would have gone straight to the High Court, which we couldn't have afforded," she said.

"But the way she did it left them swinging ... after a while we realised she had really been very clever."

In her early 20s Mrs Bowman never imagined she would become a farmer, much less a leader of an environmental campaign.

After growing up in Sydney, she began a five-year design and craft course at East Sydney Tech (now the National Art School).

But within nine months Mrs Bowman had married and departed for the Hunter Valley with her husband, who would manage five share dairies and a grazing block.

"My husband did all the work ... but he died when he was only 51. All of a sudden I had to take over doing things," she said.

"I quickly discovered a degree in design and craft didn't qualify me for station book-keeping that well."

Mrs Bowman's fight against mining expansion in the Hunter Valley dates back to 1988, when a mine tunnelled under a creek irrigating her farm, causing her crops to die.

"It was pretty awful in those days, the way we were treated. The dust was so tremendous ... our rainwater tanks filled up with this yellow sludge from the [mine] blasts," she said.

Mrs Bowman is continuing her call for an end to the mining land acquisition policy, and a full health assessment of the impact of mining in the valley.