

French election: Marine Le Pen attempts to lift appeal by pushing party aside

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Paris: Marine Le Pen announced on Monday that she was temporarily stepping down as head of France's Front National party to widen her appeal ahead of next month's presidential election run-off.

The far-right candidate will face Emmanuel Macron, the centrist, on May 7 with the country divided as never before over Europe.

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Le Pen quits National Front presidency

Presidential candidate Marine Le Pen says she is temporarily stepping aside from the leadership of her party, the National Front, to "unite" the French people.

By distancing herself from the party founded by her father in 1972, Ms Le Pen hopes to reach out to potential voters who backed the Eurosceptic and protectionist far-Left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon, and Francois Fillon, the defeated conservative, some of whose harder-line supporters could vote FN.

"I have always considered that the president is the president of all the French," she said. "Under this banner, he or she must unite all the French.

"Tonight, I am no longer the president of the Front National. I am the presidential candidate."

Ms Le Pen had already airbrushed out her party's name, and her own surname, from campaign posters to woo voters from the Left and Right, as well as in recent years "detoxifying" her party's racist, anti-Semitic image.


Sunday's first round upturned France's political landscape as candidates from the mainstream Left and Right were eliminated and the two finalists both claimed to be "anti-system" champions.

The final results saw Mr Macron, an independent centrist who created his movement En Marche (Onwards) only a year ago, take pole position on 24.01 per cent, with Ms Le Pen of the far-right Front National second on 21.3 per cent.

Francois Fillon, the conservative runner, was a close third on 20.01 per cent, just ahead of Communist-backed Jean-Luc Melenchon on 19.58 per cent, while Benoit Hamon, the official candidate of the ruling Socialist Party, came fifth on just 6.36 per cent.

A startling electoral map of the country showed Mr Macron top in most departments, or counties, in the West, while Ms Le Pen was on top in most of the East. Ms Le Pen scored very highly in rural and so-called "peri-urban" areas. She has pledged to protect "forgotten France" from austerity, globalisation and immigration.

Marine Le Pen's heartland.

Marine Le Pen's heartland. Graphic: The Telegraph, UK

Mr Macron romped home in most towns and cities with more than 15,000 residents with his "neither Right nor Left", pro-European promise of modernisation.

"Emmanuel Macron attracted in his wake France that is doing well, an optimistic France, while Marine Le Pen has attracted the France that has been left behind by globalisation," said Adelaide Zulfikarpasic of BVA Opinion.

Mr Melenchon also fared well in some big cities, such as Marseille and Lille.

For Jacques Levy, from the Ecole Polytechnique in Lausanne, the map of the Le Pen vote almost mirrors that of the "no" vote in the 1992 referendum on the Maastricht treaty and Mr Macron's mirrors the "yes" vote, which just won the day.

Despite Mr Macron's plans to "relaunch" the EU, the combined scores of staunch Eurosceptics Ms Le Pen, Mr Melenchon and nationalist Nicolas Dupont-Aignan add up to around 46 per cent of the vote.

For Le Monde editorialist Francois Fressoz, the French have thrown out mainstream candidates in favour of a "new split" over Europe.

The match over Europe would come to a head during a televised debate between the finalists on May 3. Ms Le Pen, who reached the second round promising to quit the euro and hold a referendum on EU membership opened hostilities on Monday by calling Mr Macron a "hysterical, radical 'Europeanist'."

Europe's political establishment also rushed to back Mr Macron, arguing that it had "no choice" but to support the centrist Europhile over a candidate hell-bent on the bloc's destruction.

Putting aside convention, Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission president, announced support for Mr Macron against Ms Le Pen.

Former president Nicolas Sarkozy stepped down as president of the UMP (precursor to the Republicans) before taking the French presidency in 2007 - though he did so after winning the second round and just days before taking office.

Telegraph, London