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Kushikatsu Tanaka now has 146 branches across Japan and one in Hawaii. It plans to open 40 more this year.

How a lost street food recipe made Hiroe a millionaire

When Hiroe Tanaka's father died, he left behind something that would change her life: a recipe for fried meat on a stick. It was an act of love. His daughter adored the Japanese street food known as kushikatsu, and he'd spent endless hours working out how to make it just right.

Wall Street posted strong gains in a 'classic relief rally'.

Wall Street jumps on French election results

US stocks rallied on Monday, tracking a relief rally that swept through Asian and European markets, after centrist candidate and market favourite Emmanuel Macron won the first round of the French presidential election.

The Anglo American unit sold 14.1 million carats, in the first quarter, and mined 7.4 million carats, it said in a ...

De Beers diamond selling spree

De Beers went on a selling spree in the first quarter after India torpedoed demand abolishing large-denomination banknotes.

"If inventories (at Chinese ports) were unwound and dumped onto the market, there's a greater momentum for the downward ...

Iron ore's extended retreat

Iron ore is destined to retreat back below $US50 a tonne next year as supplies go on rising, says Westpac's Justin Smirk.

Europe's main gauge of equity market anxiety, the Euro STOXX 50 Volatility index fell 8.8 points, wiping out the rapid ...

CAC 40 surges 4.1pc, DAX 3.4pc

European shares rallied, banks soared, and French blue-chips briefly hit a nine-year high after France's presidential election sparked a rush to risky assets.

Spotless Group chief executive Martin Sheppard. The company has gone to the Takeovers Panel.

Spotless declares 'door not closed' on Downer

The board of Spotless Group has recommended investors knock back the shock $1.2 billion bid from services company Downer EDI labelling it "opportunistic, hostile, highly conditional" and unlikely to proceed.

On Friday, Coca-Cola Amatil the company downgraded its half-year guidance due to falling sales.

Cut-price water dilutes Coke's value

Beer, smokes, nappies and Coke have traditionally driven people to supermarkets. But sales in the highly concentrated soft drink market have been declining.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

No news is good news for Ten news... for now

As Network Ten braces for the announcement of a significant financial loss on Thursday, the rumour mill has it that the billionaire-laden Network Ten will try and save money by cutting costs and staff in its News department.

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