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Meetings of State parties/Elections
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Guidance Note on the constructive dialogue with human rights treaty bodies
Complaints Procedure
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Follow-up Reports to the Complaints Procedure
Jurisprudence database
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The Committee Against Torture (CAT) is the body of 10 independent experts that monitors implementation of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment by its State parties.
More about the Committee against Torture…
Click on the image to access the interactive mapSee the maps on ratifications (PDF) of the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment or its Optional Protocol
Announcement of General Discussion on the Draft Revised General Comment on the implementation of article 3 of the Convention in the context of article 22, 28 April 2017
60th session in Geneva, 18 April - 12 May 2017
59th session in Geneva, 7 November to 7 December 2016
Latest CAT Annual Report (A/71/44)
Request for a special report from Burundi
58th session in Geneva, 25 July to 12 August 2016
Outcome of the 15th Meeting of States parties/Elections
Guidelines on the receipt and handling of allegations on reprisals (CAT/C/55/2)
Guidelines for follow-up to concluding observations (CAT/C/55/3)
30th anniversary of the Convention against Torture, 4 November 2014
Status of ratification by treaty and by country
Declarations and reservations
World Maps on Ratifications
Reporting status by country
Calendar of country reviews by treaty bodies
Deadlines for the submission of documentation
Treaty body database
Universal human rights index
Fact Sheet No.17
Compilation of CAT concluding observations for Latin American and Caribbean countries
Sub-Committee on the Prevention of Torture
UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture
Special Rapporteur on Torture
Treaty Body Webcast
Amnesty InternationalArticle 5 initiativeAssociation for the Prevention of Torture (APT) CCPR CentreCPTConvention against Torture InitiativeDIGNITYFIACAT FIDHHuman Rights Watch INTERIGHTS IRCT OMCT Penal Reform InternationalRedressTorture Reporting Book TRIAL International
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