The first-round victory of Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen confirms a global trend.

Macron, Le Pen and nationalism's limits

The likely victory of Mr Macron will be greeted with delight in Brussels and Berlin, with disappointment in the Kremlin and the Oval Office - and with mixed feelings in London, writes Gideon Rachman.

An investor holds a board showing "government saves the market so that investors will be happy" at a brokerage house in ...

Chinese equities wilt under crackdown

A widespread credit crackdown in China is roiling a range of Chinese asset classes but economists including Andy Xie are welcoming the government's moves.

Gavin Dietz, CEO of Wattwatchers, and Mike Mobbs.

Now for the boom in energy data

Wattwatchers has just raised $2 million to expand production of a device that monitors power use to help consumers cut their bills

Outside Telstra's core fixed and mobile segments, there is little to speak of that could move the dial when it comes to ...

TPG deepens Telstra's looming profit hole

A nirvana of volume growth, price increases and positive mix shift led to a dramatic increase in profitability in Telstra's mobile division which is now under threat from a rival network.