
Joel Meares

Joel Meares is the Arts Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald. Joel joined the Herald in 2007 as a writer on the(sydney)magazine before leaving to study for his Masters at Columbia University in New York. He returned in 2014 and now oversees coverage of the arts.

 "Conscientious objectors" – from celebrants to cake bakers – want the right to refuse to provide their services to ...

Why businesses should be allowed to boycott gay weddings

Two weeks after marrying my husband in the US we re-enacted the wedding in North Queensland. We'd used a licensed celebrant for the northern hemisphere affair but decided to have a friend man the microphone in Australia. I didn't expect that the first person I asked to perform this privileged duty would refuse to do it. 

Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone in summer favourite La La Land.

Hollywood's hot tips ruin my movie-going pleasure

There was a time in my life when I didn't know what an SAG Award was. I didn't know what one looked like, or that SAG stood for the American Screen Actors Guild, and that those on whom the guild bestowed awards for acting every year were considered frontrunners for the Academy Awards. 

I marvel at the advocates who take this fighting spirit and apply it to the same-sex marriage issue.

Let’s cut the vitriol about gay rights from straight people

Straight people sure have a lot to say about gay rights. Open a news app, flick through a paper, turn on the telly and there they are: scores and scores of puffed-up heterosexuals, telling us what they think of us. Should we be able to get married? They have some thoughts. Should we be able to have kids? Don't get them started. Should we educate their kids on what makes us different and why their kids shouldn't bully us? Wind them up and watch them go.

The push for LGBTQI rights isn't about advancement, it's about catch-up.

What the gay community really wants

One of the most powerful words hurled at the gay community today doesn't start with an F. Or a P. Or any other ugly, lip-pursing consonant. It begins with a vowel and it might, on first listen, sound innocuous: agenda.