top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]nerdygirl09 2261 points2262 points  (58 children)

Holy shit OP. Some parents would laugh but definitely not mine. I'm feeling pain reading it. I'd claim someone must have done it as a joke somehow. The best lie I could think of

[–]slpater 587 points588 points  (13 children)

I would legit be dying the instant they told me. I would be more disappointed he was so bad at hiding it

[–]Not_Seth_Rogans_Idea 182 points183 points  (3 children)

Too bad it was all choke porn

[–]desetro 45 points46 points  (4 children)

lol ya first thing I learn to do was how to hide shit that even I have trouble finding it the first time around =P

[–]thiney49 133 points134 points  (11 children)

I got caught when I was about 12. My mom was furious, but I specifically remember my dad laughing and asking her if she was going to open it and see what it was.

[–]Joe11221 66 points67 points  (10 children)

Damn dude... 12?

[–]imagine_that376 99 points100 points  (4 children)

thats what, sixth grade? seems pretty normal to me.

[–]hitchopottimus 418 points419 points  (25 children)

My guess is that parents who send their kid to A religious school are unlikely to laugh at this one.

[–]ExplosiveWombat 158 points159 points  (16 children)

My parents sent me to a religious school. (Mostly because the public schools in my area were terrible.)

They would have totally laughed at this. All teenage guys jerk off, it's common knowledge. There's no point in denying it.

[–]Orange-V-Apple 181 points182 points  (12 children)

Not everyone shares that sentiment unfortunately

[–]pwnz0rd 90 points91 points  (11 children)

Access to porn is a god damn human right.

[–]Orange-V-Apple 73 points74 points  (10 children)

Can you imagine if the Red Cross sent porn to disaster-struck areas? Like, I wonder how soon after a disaster it would take for a survivor to start masturbating. What a weird thought.

[–]OHIMEMBERTUBS 32 points33 points  (0 children)

Probably be jerking it during the disaster.

[–]cahibou 84 points85 points  (2 children)

In highschool my mom found my folder with guro, tentacles and goblin/orc"alternative" hentai and has never snooped on my pc again. I like to think that she learned the value of privacy from our family therapist.

[–]inJOREd 15 points16 points  (1 child)

Wait, tentai isn't considered mainstream?

Remember folks, talk to your kids about folder permissions before they do it to you.

[–]felix569 29 points30 points  (1 child)

I feel most just prefer to turn a blind eye.

[–]WorldSpews217 15 points16 points  (0 children)

And a hairy palm.

[–]S_words_for_100 6938 points6939 points  (24 children)

Holy fuck, dude

[–]amosnoyun 1638 points1639 points  (15 children)

Took me some time to get that.

[–]thatsconelover 487 points488 points  (8 children)

Must've been an ugly child.

[–]the_man925[🍰] 429 points430 points  (5 children)

Sex so rare you have to pray for it

[–]thatsconelover 102 points103 points  (4 children)

I was thinking more along the lines of priests and vicars...

[–]FullyMammoth 71 points72 points  (1 child)

Took me this comment to get that there was something to get.

[–]newthrowaway2018 3681 points3682 points  (376 children)

That's what you get for hiding porn like an amateur. You need multiple levels of protection:

  1. Hidden folder sounding like a system generated folder.
  2. Rename extensions. Make it *.ini to make it look like a system file.
  3. Inconspicuous file names - system32.ini, game14.bat etc etc.

Umm, that reminds me, need to spend some time to review system69.ini.

EDIT: This is what I used to do back in the day - when Pentium 3 and 256MB RAM would get /r/pcmasterrace wet and a 20GB hard drive was yuge! So, all you teens can stop telling me about your 256 bit encryption to save porn. Don't have the need to store porn anymore - crowdsource my daily fap material from some fine subreddits.

[–]SkyezOpen 1597 points1598 points  (217 children)

My mom deleted the goddamn sound card driver trying to make room on our shitty old Compaq. Making things look like system files will not save them.

[–]kazog 1089 points1090 points  (195 children)

Lul parents and computers. Its halfway between hilarious and sad. They play with forces they often cant begin to comprehend.

[–]SkyezOpen 677 points678 points  (142 children)

Same mother recently let "tech support" remote in to her laptop to "fix her Antivirus."

Called me a few weeks later asking what utorrent was. Apparently her laptop was downloading family guy. It's getting the DBAN treatment when I visit home next.

[–]jeefyjeef 530 points531 points  (110 children)

My grandma let someone from "Microsoft" into hers and paid him $200 to "fix" it.

My mother is somehow even worse, she somehow managed to make it so she can't open attachments anymore.

For a millennial I'm not that tech-savvy so I can't fix these things myself so it's infuriating.

[–]UniqueUsername_2033 836 points837 points  (43 children)

For $200 I can fix that for you.

[–]TheInstituteOfSteel 218 points219 points  (26 children)

Sounds like a bargain, help me next?

[–]BoD80 162 points163 points  (8 children)

Just need remote access to your system.

[–]IntentCoin 136 points137 points  (11 children)

I can fix it for 25 shmeckles

[–]TheInstituteOfSteel 70 points71 points  (8 children)

I don't know, I think I can get more in Galactic Federation currency, I hear it's pretty stable

[–]gameacer23 32 points33 points  (3 children)

The value of the Blemflark went from being worth 1 of itself to 0 of itself!

[–]AndroidTKFT 53 points54 points  (2 children)

I'll fix it for 200$ in iTunes gift cards.

[–]Provoked_ 63 points64 points  (4 children)

Are you from Microsoft? I'll only pay that much to a Microsoft tech.

[–]xErianx 99 points100 points  (2 children)

For $200 I'll be any kind of hard or soft you need bud.

[–]Thahiv610 57 points58 points  (1 child)

Same thing happen to my mom but she realized in time and canceled the check but not before they bricked her computer. I didn't have to say anything to her about it because she already knew she done fucked up. To this day they still call her trying to to get money from her but she keep a small air horn next to the phone.

[–]AsRiversRunRed 73 points74 points  (12 children)

I know a guy paying $500 a year for internet security. They also charged him $200 to upgrade from windows 8 to windows 10....

[–]Moneymakermachine321 59 points60 points  (7 children)

U mean the os that annoyed the shit out of everyone to download it for free

[–]CaptainJackHardass 29 points30 points  (5 children)

give me my windows xp back :'(

[–]Moneymakermachine321 17 points18 points  (1 child)

Man i had to surrender my win 98 to Microsoft so I could obtain win 10 which would not work on my old trash pc. Thx Microsoft

[–]IamNickJones 36 points37 points  (9 children)

Honestly I'll fix it for you just need to remotely access it for a small fee. I work for Mikerosoft.

[–]cheesypoofs5000 22 points23 points  (8 children)

I know someone who paid in the the thousands...For some reason, because she allowed it, the bank wouldn't count it as fraud.

Edit: a letter

[–]Kevo05s 25 points26 points  (4 children)

For that exact reason I installed Ubuntu on my mom's computer, and libreoffice, she doesn't see the difference,all she knows is: install from Ubuntu software centre, don't buy softwares outside of there and don't click on ads (which she still does, even with adblocker)

[–]Zozorak 55 points56 points  (7 children)

Reminds me of when my father got a call. Being a senior server technician he had the time of his life playing stone with this Indian guy. Convinced the guy that he was going to give him 12000 to fix his HDD. last words he heard was "thanks for your details, I've passed this on to the police you f#$%ing Dunbar". Don't think anything came of it unfortunately. But killed an hour or so.

[–]imagine_amusing_name 55 points56 points  (4 children)

Get them talking. ask their religion. then casually slip into the conversation how Jesus/Ganesh/Shiva/Allah spits on their family for seven generations...really gets them angry :)

[–]detroitvelvetslim 35 points36 points  (3 children)

My Indian friend got a scam call by the Indian microsoft people and he played along, the told the guy that "donkeys gangbang his mom" in Hindi, and the guy got hella butthurt and hung up

[–]broken1997 84 points85 points  (17 children)

This is the exact reason I set up remote for all my parents computers. In case they royally fuck something up, which happens stupidly often, then I can easily fix it from half way across the country.

[–]Kotios 101 points102 points  (15 children)

all my parents

How many sets of parents do you have?

[–]PetersPickleParking 87 points88 points  (14 children)

I'm so glad my mom is incredibly tech savvy. She works in the field which helps, so she is actually my go-to when I have a computer problem. She was designing shit on old green and black computers with no keyboards, now she builds her own computers half the time because store bought doesn't do as much as she'd like.

[–]IamNickJones 138 points139 points  (7 children)

Always great to hear about older people that are great with computers. My grandmother was great with computers and technology in general, she bought the latest technology and stayed up to date on everything even played PC games. She also bought every video game console there was so we could play together. I miss playing Super Nintendo with her. RIP.

[–][deleted] 67 points68 points  (11 children)

Tell me, has your mother ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueus The Wise?

[–]kazog 90 points91 points  (8 children)

No, but she works in elementary schools, so I expect to see a disturbing holo recording of her killing younglings any day now.

[–]Edspecial137 15 points16 points  (2 children)

Well I know for sure she comes home to kill some yuenglings

[–]Necoras 34 points35 points  (2 children)

You're missing the point. It's not about saving them, it's about obfuscating them. If they're deleted, there's no proof of the crime. If they're discovered... yeah.

[–]lab2stroop 143 points144 points  (5 children)

“Oh a 690mb ini file? Where are teenagers getting LPTs these days?”

[–]ApathyKing8 89 points90 points  (4 children)

Use a rar with a password name it multimedia and put it in a game folder.


[–]EglinAfarce 266 points267 points  (1 child)

Coming next: TIFU by getting perma-banned from CS:GO by accidentally modding the game with porn.

[–]_Stego27 20 points21 points  (0 children)

And rename the file extension

[–]SavvySillybug 123 points124 points  (14 children)

I usually save mine in C:\Windows\mui\New Folder\New Folder. Double new folders so it won't show up as a preview image on anything.

If someone goes that deep looking for my porn, they can have a peek.

[–]Heavy_Weapons_Guy_ 81 points82 points  (23 children)

...or just encrypt it.

[–]Codile 171 points172 points  (19 children)

Seriously, it's so easy to encrypt stuff. He could've even hidden it inside the assignment files, and the teacher would've been none the wiser.

I rate OP's spy skills 0/20.

[–]Urbanscuba 130 points131 points  (15 children)

When I was 16 or 17 I had a hidden partition on my drive that was completely invisible. When I opened my program to open it, I had two passwords. My normal password I used for everything else, which unlocked a rather tame and small stash. Then I had a 43 (I just counted) digit password which unlocked the real partition, which was like 20 gigs of whatever depraved stuff I was beating off to.

I have no idea why, it was my personal computer in my own room and nothing I was hiding was actually that bad. I just wanted to feel like a spy when I went to spank the monkey.

[–]Codile 52 points53 points  (9 children)

Hidden partitions are also a smart idea actually.

[–]Urbanscuba 49 points50 points  (8 children)

If I recall correctly too the password key was something crazy like AES 512 bit. Well beyond the point where brute force cracking would take longer than the universe will likely exist.

[–][deleted] 93 points94 points  (2 children)

I put my porn in the Downloads folder next to music, photos, the Holy Quran, and movies.

I like to live dangerously.

[–]MiNiMaLHaDeZz 12 points13 points  (1 child)

I bet that's someone's strange fetish, sending them encrypted porn without them knowing.

[–]JasonCox 51 points52 points  (3 children)

That's similar to what I did when I was a kid. Everything save-worthy was disguised as a DLL and hidden in the Windows directory. Thank the gods for adulthood and broadband!

[–]TechSavyBob 48 points49 points  (10 children)

Or just change the folder icon to internet explorer. Just make sure you don't bring your grandmother over...

[–]waschlack_05 27 points28 points  (9 children)

Alright so i mainly use Google chrome, and then i have Firefox with a nice shortcut to my favorites site right at the top left. But me stupid fuck did also had two quick start icons, i thought I'll use chrome for anything and Firefox for the good things. My tactic was destroyed when my friends were over, they started Firefox and my little secret was discovered. No big deal though, was just a small laughter

[–]510Threaded 27 points28 points  (7 children)

My best friend and I have shocking similar fetishes so he would probably be like "ill have to take note of that video for later" or "seen it"

[–]MelodicMelodies 34 points35 points  (4 children)

It warms my heart that you even know that you guys have similar fetishes.

[–]510Threaded 10 points11 points  (0 children)

We had so many things in common, of course it went to porn

[–]NicksStick 47 points48 points  (8 children)

We need a sub on hiding porn more efficiently. Make it happen.

[–]What-The-Pho 22 points23 points  (5 children)

-sigh- just right click on it and go to properties and mark it "hidden" and then go to your folder settings and hide all hidden folders

[–]jesotjesot 17 points18 points  (2 children)

always learning in the comments

[–]hangfromthisone 17 points18 points  (1 child)

The real fap pro tip always comes in the comments

[–]Sawathingonce 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Oh I just came on the comments. I'm doing this LPT thing wrong aren't I

[–]Frost_Ravenstorm 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Or just hide it in system32. It works.

[–]schmem3 1797 points1798 points  (27 children)

Family computer only has one account but your account gets locked past 8 🤔🤔🤔

[–]TheScoott 622 points623 points  (4 children)

99/100 times the good ones are fake but at least​ clean it up so I can pretend.

[–]heisthechosenone 45 points46 points  (2 children)

The porn or the story?

[–]8BitHedgehog 14 points15 points  (1 child)

How strange. That could really go either way...

[–]HereForFreeStuff 390 points391 points  (3 children)

No, just his porn account gets locked after 8! Duh? :D

[–]thespo37 62 points63 points  (1 child)

because clearly you can't jerk off before 8 lol. The parents haven't though about the times during the day when they aren't home. Free reign over the TV room muthafucka!

[–]Annasyara 151 points152 points  (2 children)

I'm thinking they probably didn't want to all get locked out by 8, so they finally did make him a separate account so that he can't use it later but they can. Or not and he's a liar but its just thought!

[–]glorifiedbookmark 139 points140 points  (0 children)

Or he means he's not allowed to use the computer past 8 given he said his family's not that tech savvy. Either way it'd be ballsy to try the porn thing again in a family room.

Or it's all a ruse for karma.

[–]Amazinc 40 points41 points  (0 children)

Exposed ? :O

[–]Imaurel 697 points698 points  (52 children)

What the fuck is this, 2003? No OneDrive or Google Drive or flash drives or anything? Might as well be jacking it in a library at this point.

[–]MirrorNexus 200 points201 points  (25 children)

Yeah, giving your porn to the information titan that's attached to your email for safekeeping. That sounds like a good idea.

[–]Imaurel 166 points167 points  (18 children)

They have it all anyway, and probably much worse information than that on all of us. My browser knows I go to pornhub, and Google runs my browser and my phone sooooo

[–]dividezero 174 points175 points  (16 children)

yeah, a lot of these tinfoil hat people have no idea that the only reason they are safe at any given moment is that no one is looking for them.

We live in a giant sea of data and it's hard to distinguish one from the other even if they're in the same ocean. You'll either get caught in a big net (still not differentiated really) or someone would have to target your ass. Either way, you're boned anyway. Doesn't matter what you do.

As soon as these quantum computers come online, the last shread of the illusion of secrecy will be ripped from our bodies and all you will have left is the sea of anonymity to protect you. So get a big loud dog to protect your real life stuff and just embrace the ocean for your virtual stuff. That's the best any of us can do.

[–]greenhawk22 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Besides, throwaway emails are a thing

[–]logicallyillogical 57 points58 points  (18 children)

Why the fuck would you save porn anyways? Tons of free sites with unlimited videos.

[–]Imaurel 74 points75 points  (7 children)

I think he said he had real shit bandwidth? I can count about 100 ways this story sounds a decade behind. I feel sorry growing up that way because I don't think kids these days can go without computers for school.

[–]Jeremiareyes 119 points120 points  (11 children)

Hey, at least it wasn't gay porn and you had to come out to your parents at a very wrong time!!! Look at the bright side!

[–]Bardownski69 38 points39 points  (5 children)

Look at his (OPs) edit

[–]ukez 26 points27 points  (3 children)

That actually made me call BS on this one.

[–]Xolotl123 12 points13 points  (1 child)

He has posted to LGBT subreddits, so it is likely that he's gay.

[–]Scary-Brandon 225 points226 points  (7 children)

my family's computer used one account

my account was also locked out past 8pm

I hope I'm missing something here because this is actually a good story

[–]Spiderrat53 80 points81 points  (0 children)

Well i mean his parents could just not use the PC often and decide they didnt need it after 8

[–]DrTolley 29 points30 points  (2 children)

I thought that was weird too, and was thinking they maybe finally added a second account just for him.

[–]Scary-Brandon 16 points17 points  (1 child)

They gave him an account just so they could block it. That's what I would have done.

Edit: a word

[–]idamnedit 2519 points2520 points  (58 children)

I cant believe The Second Coming of Christ got a 0/20 and you detention. That is such shit.

[–]wild__talents 374 points375 points  (8 children)

You mean the Resurerection? Not as good as the Crucifucktion, imo.

[–]Sawathingonce 56 points57 points  (4 children)

Oh fuck man I just spit up on the lady across from me on the train reading this

[–]A5pyr 44 points45 points  (1 child)

Pull out your bib and clean it off her.

[–]NicksStick 83 points84 points  (1 child)

0/10. Most boring porn EVER. It took him 3 days alone just to rise.

[–]DrunkenSQRL 528 points529 points  (37 children)

Second Cuming of Christ


[–]idamnedit 86 points87 points  (24 children)

This is a religious paper, we cant be filthy.

[–]SentinelBacon 87 points88 points  (22 children)

Eat the body of Christ

[–]idamnedit 111 points112 points  (17 children)

Eateth of mine ass and drinketh from mine thick straw. Giveth me 15 minutes in thine oven and we shall have a creampie to accompany our fish, bread, and wine.

[–]El_Chupachichis 167 points168 points  (12 children)

I'm atheist and I think ya'll m-f'ers need Jesus

[–]jeefyjeef 119 points120 points  (8 children)

I'm agnostic and I can't decide if they need Jesus

[–]MagicResistance 49 points50 points  (5 children)

Im buddhist and I find this is midly satisfactory.

[–]sketchyjake 14 points15 points  (1 child)

I'm Jewish and I think they need to wait for their massiah.

[–]I_got_dem_hands 42 points43 points  (3 children)

Behold the body of Christ

Bow chikka wow wowww

[–]Fupavirus 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Nailing him on the cross was more graphic the first time around.

[–]totallynotarobotnope 239 points240 points  (5 children)

Some people are religious about their porn.

[–]Fig_Newton_ 78 points79 points  (7 children)

At least you didn't have to get counseling for being possessed by the penis-spanking demon.

[–]Poodle-Soup 66 points67 points  (9 children)

Computer locks you out at 8? I was always able to set the time back on my computer to get around that

[–]8bitzawad 82 points83 points  (8 children)

My parents are trying to do that to me...Luckily I have a secret Linux install...

[–]AssholeNeighborVadim 14 points15 points  (7 children)

I just pop out the cmos battery, since i am a tinkerer(and i have 7 computers, so if that doesnt work, ill use my 2009 netbook)

[–]ajax2k9 69 points70 points  (0 children)

I feel like i just read a post from the early 2000s

[–]yo-yo-baggins 232 points233 points  (34 children)

I can't believe I am telling you this....

$27 for 128 gigs of storage.

Encrypting it is easy-peezy.

[–]educatedsavage 86 points87 points  (28 children)

Was going to post this suggestion - and you can palm a USB drive if you feel it is necessary.

[–]yo-yo-baggins 37 points38 points  (20 children)

Just encrypt the damned thing. No need to palm it, hide it in plain site.

[–]educatedsavage 88 points89 points  (10 children)

Palming avoids the "hey, what is this and why is it encrypted?" conversation.

[–]SkyezOpen 102 points103 points  (5 children)

Can confirm. Parents never found the maxim magazines I squirreled away in a drawer until I came up with the brilliant idea to throw a lock on it.

[–]El_Chupachichis 40 points41 points  (4 children)

In what household is Maxim porn?

[–]SkyezOpen 45 points46 points  (3 children)

I was in middle school and sadly unaware of all the Internet had to offer. Well, aside from some "games" on newgrounds.

[–]El_Chupachichis 25 points26 points  (2 children)

Did your parents actually discipline you for "having porn" in that case? I would be more disturbed at your hiding things than the content -- certainly where Maxim is concerned.

[–]SkyezOpen 15 points16 points  (1 child)

I don't think I actually got in trouble. Just a talking to.

[–]El_Chupachichis 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Yeah, I could see they'd want to insist on not having stuff "hidden" from them.

I actually hid stuff from my parents that was relatively tame as well, just because I didn't want to have that conversation. Never was really sure what my parents boundaries were about that stuff -- mother had disparaged her first husband (my dad) about liking Playboy but offered me a subscription as a young teen, and I turned it down thinking it was a trap. Really kinda regretting that now -- I think the offer was sincere and maybe my mindset wouldn't have been so repressed.

[–]cranky_tanky 194 points195 points  (26 children)

"I'm a teenager, going without is not a possibility."

[–]PM_ME_YOUR_DIFF_EQS 166 points167 points  (16 children)

And to think, when I was a lad I just had to remember what boobs looked like from earlier.

[–]helpful_idiott 105 points106 points  (12 children)

We had to remember what we thought boobs looked like in my day.

[–]gunsmyth 63 points64 points  (2 children)

We had to wait until the clouds formed the shape of a boob

[–]SecureJobWorker 27 points28 points  (0 children)

Forget about the boobs. We had to fill our socks with hay to make them look like ankles.

[–]Dragster39 19 points20 points  (5 children)

The good old days of imagination, glorious

[–]ozire4 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Or that sweet Golden channel after 11:00 pm lol

[–]bistek_a_lo_pobre 18 points19 points  (0 children)


[–]Butchbutter0 14 points15 points  (3 children)

This is my favorite part. I didn't NEED porn when I was a teenager. Is sex drive and imagination declining in today's youth?

[–]princessfinn 1073 points1074 points  (25 children)

I can tell you don't live in a strict house. My parents were like the SEC of porn patrol. Had me thinking of near-ingenious ways of hiding my porn. Your amateurism makes me sick. I bet you don't even have a file shredder. Pfft. You're a joke. I bet my dog could hide all the bitch porn he watches way better than you. He's a champion, my dog. Golden Retriever. Got a cock like Hercules. Smooth fur. Shiny. He loves bones. I throw a bone for him, I don't even have to yell fetch. Dog just goes on and gits it. I bet he wouldn't even put porn in his religion folder. He's smart. Not dumb. You're dumb.

[–]the_docs_orders 257 points258 points  (4 children)

Golden Retriever, genius, can confirm.

Source: Could never find my Golden's porn stash or his bone stash.

[–]plakmasta 100 points101 points  (3 children)

What about his porn stache?

[–]the_docs_orders 47 points48 points  (0 children)

No joke that's how I typed it first and then edited it after I submitted it.

But yes, porn stache on doggo confirmed.

[–]ItsMeKura 74 points75 points  (0 children)

You're in r/copypastas now

[–]TheDustOfTimes 87 points88 points  (1 child)

Dude what?

[–]TeachesYouEnglish 108 points109 points  (0 children)

Idk, but I like it.

[–]kazog 46 points47 points  (0 children)

M. President, stop bullying people on the internet and get off the computer.

[–]Buffalo_Apparatus 10 points11 points  (3 children)

Acquiring and hiding porn is probably what got me started on my career path, honestly.

[–]ChurchNo3 40 points41 points  (6 children)

Read this in a Kevin Hart voice, gaurentee you'll laugh

[–]TahoeLT 82 points83 points  (4 children)

Or read it in Trump's voice, and question life.

[–]RC2460juan 39 points40 points  (3 children)

About halfway through I realized the voice in my head was Trump.

[–]bigdoggy43 28 points29 points  (1 child)

I think it only becomes Trump halfway through because the "he's a champion, my dog" sounds like Trump speech pattern.

[–]jerimiahf 38 points39 points  (6 children)

10 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Father's recited during your workout and you'll be good to go

[–]NotASynthDotcom 70 points71 points  (11 children)

At least you didn't get pegged by your sister.

[–]therealsavagery 29 points30 points  (4 children)

I hope this becomes a lasting Reddit "thing". It'll be the first one I'll actually get.

[–]ShhhHesWatchingUs 236 points237 points  (6 children)

But porn is religous. All the actresses seem to be praising God quite regularly..........

[–]FluffyYuuki 32 points33 points  (4 children)

I guess they praise God typically, but occasionally, you hear them praise Steve

[–]OceanSlim 83 points84 points  (12 children)

All these comments and I'm still trying to figure out why all these people download porn.

[–]Sangheilioz 20 points21 points  (11 children)

He mentioned his internet connection was very limited, so I would assume he downloaded it so that he could access it without using data over and over again and without dealing with long buffering times.

[–]bcmonty 82 points83 points  (0 children)

that's terrible, porn is religion, or at least the amount of "Oh God" etc I hear I would class it as such.

Next term submit some nuns and priests fucking, surely get better than 0/20 then

[–]teknozone 49 points50 points  (4 children)

My porn folder was named "not porn" in my videos folder.

[–]AssholeNeighborVadim 44 points45 points  (0 children)

Mine is named "THIS CONTAINS PORN" and is on my desktop. Reverse fucking psychology motherfuckers.

It is not on my main desktop however, just the desktop of a Ubuntu install on a hidden partition.

[–]hoboshoe 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I had a folder named porn and one named not porn. Was hanging with friends and they saw the folders. I was like "oh its clearly reverse psychology the porn folder if just save data backups" and opened it. Nope it was porn. Also the not porn folder was porn too.

[–]smorbach 52 points53 points  (1 child)

as if the only time a teenage boy wants to jerk off is after 8 pm. lol

[–]kolop97 36 points37 points  (4 children)

Alright so I've got a USB stick with all the good stuff on it. I keep it on or near me at pretty much all times, guard it with my life you know.

Also carry a USB to micro USB with me as well so I can plug it into my phone. ;)

[–]DumboTheInbredRat 47 points48 points  (2 children)

I keep mine in a little plastic baggy in my butt.

[–]TurboChewy 33 points34 points  (0 children)

"We got hacked! I swear, mom!"

[–]Dewan_O 41 points42 points  (13 children)

You can edit the folder properties Enter the following into cmd: /attrib [folder name] +h +r +s +a That makes the folder invisible. Do: /attrib [folder name] -h -r -s -a to make it visible.

*folder name can't have spaces.

[–]LikeAShitBrickHouse 24 points25 points  (2 children)

attrib +h will make it invisible, the other 3 are +r makes it read only, +a makes it an archive and +s makes it a system file, all no help

However windows has an option to show hidden files and folders and they just appear a little lighter than the other icons in explorer to show they are +h attributed.

seriously, just stick it in c:\windows\program files, call the folder doom and encrypt it

[–]ParachuteIsAKnapsack 29 points30 points  (0 children)

But hey at least someone got nailed in the assignment

[–]Sevenstrangemelons 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Wow that teacher is such a cunt, unless you have a history of this stuff it should have obviously been an accident. The right thing to do imo would have been to tell you privately and not deduct anything...

[–]snekasan 46 points47 points  (36 children)

Been hiding porn for 20 years and very successfully with one exception. Back in win 98 days I accidentally saved a pic as desktop background and immediately changed it back, although that kept the pic as a short splash screen. So for a glorious few seconds of turning the computer on/off there was a nice lesbian 69 action on screen. Had my computer privelages revoked for a while but stash never found.

Also once current wife/then girlfriend yelled at me about porn on the computer and I thought it was my end of days. Turns out she found "Deep in the Valley" (2009 feat Chris Pratt) fast forwarded at random and though it was XXX. Close but no cigar lady!

[–]twadepsvita 28 points29 points  (3 children)


Your family's PC has only one account, but your account is locked past 8pm? Either you've got a major contradiction in your statement, or noone is able to use that PC past 8pm now.

[–]DumboTheInbredRat 32 points33 points  (0 children)

No, they lock him in his room after 8pm so that they can use his porn stash without him interrupting them.

[–]Ernestovalasqez 8 points9 points  (1 child)

1) don't download porn 2) delete immediately after watching if you do 3) don't fucking forget about your porn stash once you've broken rules 1 and 2.

[–]LinearLamb 16 points17 points  (1 child)

You need to claim the virus defense.

You didn't do it, malware did it. Damn hackers!!!

[–]Spatz90 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Looks like it's time for OP to sub to r/NoFAP.