Patts pushes propaganda for Australia Day

BBQ-we.jpgESKY-web.jpgAustralians have been issued with a patriotic call to arms to celebrate Australia Day via a new campaign by GPY&R Melbourne for the National Australia Day Council. A series of propaganda style posters spearhead a print, TV, outdoor and radio drive aimed at encouraging Aussies to participate with pride in the national day.

Creative agency: George Patterson Y&R Melbourne
Executive Creative Director: Ben Coulson
Copywriter: Annie Egan
Art Director: Ryan Fitzgerald
Illustrator: Mark Thomas
Retoucher: Hung Nguyen


Anonymous said:

i have seen this many times but it is nicely art directed if somewhat slightly mixing the genres and styles of recruitment posters.

nice illustrations...and crafting...idea not the best.

just my opinion.

Anonymous said:

nice one guys

- garret

Anonymous said:

Not another pastiche on propoganda posters, i'm a great fan of their work normally, but this is all a bit familiar i'm afraid.

Anonymous said:

Nup. Not this time boys. No problem with using constructivism as an execution, but these images are too negative. The very best of socialist, constructivist posters featuring the masses would show peasants awash with joy. The BBQ and day at the beach featured here both look like about as much fun as a day trip to a gulag.

Anonymous said:

I reckon telling Australians to celebrate Australia Day is un-Australian!

Anonymous said:

I rekon it's good. I'm a print nerd and I think they well crafted and quite funny.

I'd have them in my book.

Anonymous said:

Do Australians actually need to be encouraged to party?

Anonymous said:

I saw a version with lawn mowers in the weekend paper, I liked it.

Anonymous said:

Not what Patts would usually have on the blog, but not bad.

More Original than Keka at least.

Anonymous said:

Sam leaves them for dead.

Anonymous said:

I don't think they are trying for Constructivism, more of an American WW2 type thing.

trent said:

i like it

Anonymous said:

are these sanctioned by the lambassador


Wonderful. Brilliant. Just Love it.

Anonymous said:

may not be the most original idea, but i like 'em. and as an aussie living in snowy new york, they made me wish i was gonna be back down under on the 26th.

Anonymous said:

The style that these posters pay homage to would escape the majority of the target audience. Yes, I am an arrogant, elitist prick. I also bet that I am 100 percent right.

Anonymous said:

For posters that are supposed to make you want to party the people sure look miserable.

Barry said:

Yeah, nah.

Anonymous said:

Does any one know where I might be able to get a copy of some of them?

Anonymous said:

You can tell by the sausages that the retoucher is Hung.

Anonymous said:

Rick Saigon, are you the Rick formerly known as Reid, now Licky Leed?

Anonymous said:

On the that Dexter holding his latest victim?

Anonymous said:

Well crafted, funny ads. Nice one.

Anonymous said:

There is no idea and the art direction is not executed as well as it needed to be to mimmic that style of early 2Oth century, Eastern European poster art.

Steve Conway said:

These are great considering the Peoples Government's position on the internet.

Paul Hogan said:

About as Australian as USSR circa 1950.

Anonymous said:

Yup, idea been done plenty of times. interesting look though.

Bob said:

Don't know if any of you have seen the old life saving posters from the 20's and 30's?

Would be a better reference. Similar but more Australian.

Anonymous said:

Not a hat or sunblock anywhere to be seen in these ads which is a pretty poor message.

The Skin Cancer Council should have words with the Australia Day Council.

If we are encouraging outdoor activity in our sunburnt country, we should at least do it responsibly.

Jake said:

Nice one!

Facimile said:

Nice copy of a style by an illustrator who has not developed any of their own.
Tragic. Get original. Yes, it's hard!!!!

Anonymous said:

They look awesome. Good onya guys!

Anonymous said:

These posters are funny, i like them.

Anonymous said:

2:00pm - you're right that has to be Dexter!

How good is the twist at the end of season 4! Didn't see that coming

Anonymous said:

Really nice illustrations.. funny stuff. Onyas.

Anonymous said:

This is very ordinary. there was some good stuff done for Australia Day a few years ago. Headlines were funny and art direction very occa.

Anonymous said:

I don't like being told what to do.

Does that make me un-Australian?

chatisha said:

It's DISGUSTING!!! The LAST thing this country needs to be told is to Eat More Meat!! For goodness sake, isn't anyone aware of the effects that eating meat - especially from cows - has on the planet???
Cattle grazing causes deforestation, it is an extremely inefficient use of land and their methane emissions are another large contributor to greenhouse gases!
Does anybody out there still care about the planet, or is it all Me Me Me Now Now Now??
I don't expect everybody to become vegans, but at least if we only had to have dairy cows that would be less than half the damage.
Can we all please try to care a bit more about principles and less about superficial appearances?

Benny Zable said:


While wandering into Nimbin town yesterday I was shown a full page Australia Day advertisement which was in the Monday Northern Star. I found it extremely offensive in both content and style. To me it brings back memories of school days bully peer pressure tactics in conforming to a lying brutal beer drinking White Australian nationalist culture.
The most disturbing thing in this poster is the communist 40’s/50’s style of art depicting 3 archetypes colonial white Australians holding polluting packaged meat products.
As a long time vegan/vegetarian, I wish to remind you that the beef and cattle industry in Australia and worldwide is a major contributor to Global Warming. The Australian bush is under stress. Rainforests have been and are continuing to be cleared, causing huge erosion, desertification, polluting rivers and streams. It is a cruel and murderess disease prone industry which requires intensive use of energy to get it from the farm to your plate. This Australia day at the beginning of a new decade calls for careful examination of the way we treat the world around us. We are not the culture of the past decade. It is our responsibility to fashion a culture of care and stewardship to our environment. It is just not only an isolated thing out there, it is our being.

Anonymous said:

looks great!

Anonymous said:

Looks great!

Anonymous said:

It is too much like the Chairman Mao poster I had on my wall as a student.
I hope the public see this for what it is ...a poor attempt at nationalistic brain washing.

Nice said:


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