Category Archives: CSS

Methods for hiding/obfuscating emails in your website

Hiding your emails on your website can be very tricky and the method should be chosen wisely. Yeah, its our war against email harvesters! Just now i have read the outcome of an interesting study made by Silvan Mühlemann. In his research he used nine different methods to obfuscate the email on his page. He […]

Rounded div corners with Ruby on Rails

So now you know how to do nicely rounded div corners without using images or any javascript after reading this post. But how do we integrate this nicely into our rails app? The following solution might not be perfect but that’s what i’m using and like:

Building dialogs with auto adjusted content just with CSS

Each application/website uses some popup windows or modaldialogs (known from MS IE) to display some content. I will call them dialogs in the rest of the article. To keep such dialogs userfriendly and easy to use the dialog should have (or usually has) the structure which you can see in the picture on the left. […]

Category: CSS