Category Archives: Javascript

New JavaScript FX library from Vienna, Austria: is past, scripty2 is the future!

Thomas Fuchs is the pioneer of the first FX JavaScript library and as he and his work reside in Vienna (which is more or less my hometown) I have to support his new open source product called scripty2 which is a successor of To keep things short: It’s a first release and therefore […]

Translate easily with JavaScript and the Google language API

wow, google recently released an API for their translation services called Google language API. Thats a good news but it even gets better! The api is really easy to use and applications can be boosted within minutes. The reference can be found here Here is a quick example of how to translate something… javascript < […]

Library with extensions for prototypejs and

Today i have found which is an awesome resource for prototype and scriptaculous extensions. It offers one of the best extensions around on a very clear and web2ish site. Currently they offer 88 extensions which include javascript calendars, password strength meters, reflection generators, image croppers, faders, …. Go to and look yourself what […]

ajaxed: Calling server side VBScript procedures from client side (equivalent to PHP xajax)

My last post (about an ASP RSS component) included a demonstration which made use of a cool ajax technique simply called “ajaxed”. See the demonstration here again. If you play around you will recognize that there is no conventional postback and AJAX is up in here I have developed a small “library” which easily allows […]

lazy stars within regular expressions

Today i stumbled across something really funny which is called “lazy star” and is used as a term within regular expressions. I did work on an expression and could not get it to work till i found the lazy “guy” which was the solution for the problem.