Category Archives: classic ASP (VBScript)

Recommendation for classic ASP fans/gurus

Today I’ve found a nice site where someone called Fabio Zendhi Nagao is blogging a lot about classic asp. Nice to see it’s not only me who is still dealing with that technology Just recently he has started an interesting series of advanced articles talking about Microsofts legacy scripting technology: 1. ASP, a misinterpreted technology […]

ASP JSON utility version 1.5 released

Its long time ago since there has been an update to the JSON utility class. Thats because its working very stable thanks to your support! Nevertheless we have a new version with new features and some minor bugfixes. The following has been updated:

ajaxed 1.0 released

the new major release of asp ajaxed is here. I have jumped with counting to version 1.0 because it has been such a big update and the library reached its maturity level. Curious whats new in the box? A lot of improvements and new stuff – i got a lot of inspiration from ruby on […]

using gravatar in classic ASP

A gravatar is a globally recognized avatar, which means that your avatar is stored in one place and it will appear on several websites, blogs, forums (which support gravatars). Whenever you change your avatar it will be updated on your existing comments, forum posts, etc. It’s a great service! Now if you know what a […]

ASP JSON utility class 1.4 released

I did check all your comments on the JSON utility class and fixed the existing bugs. The new changes are available in version 1.4 which is available for download now. I really appreciate your help by posting your comments and solutions. Most of them have been considered in the new version. Have fun and please […]

JSON Utility class 1.3 released

The summer here in Austria is really hot this year and therefore I had not much time to do a lot for webdevbros. Enjoying the sun as much as possible However I was very happy about getting a big amount of feedback for my JSON utility class which showed me that you guys out there […]

ajaxed: Calling server side VBScript procedures from client side (equivalent to PHP xajax)

My last post (about an ASP RSS component) included a demonstration which made use of a cool ajax technique simply called “ajaxed”. See the demonstration here again. If you play around you will recognize that there is no conventional postback and AJAX is up in here I have developed a small “library” which easily allows […]