Category Archives: c#

ASP.Net MVC, Fluent Validation and testing

In this post, I will show you how I set up fluent validation, to work smoothly with my MVC 2 project. I create a custom model binder to validate view models and show how to validate a registration using fluent validation. Finally I show how to unit test the validation rules I needed for registration.

Top three C# questions on stackoverflow you should read

Here is a list of questions which I (!!) consider as TOP 3 C# (Visual Studio) questions (although the answers are probably the most interesting) on stackoverflow. Yes, I do love STO Hidden Features of C# Visual Studio Optimizations Which C#/.Net blogs do you read? If you need more see the most voted C# questions. […]

Create a multi languaged domain model with NHibernate and C#

Recently I’ve been developing an enterprise application with NHibernate which was required to fully support multi language (localization) on UI side as well as on data side. Whereas the former is easily implemented with .net resources the latter is not that straightforward as it seems. That articles talks about it and the solution I […]

C# tips, tricks and things you should know

During my previous holidays (i have to admit 1.5 months surfing in portugal) I had some literature with me which also included the book Programming .net components released with O’Reilly. It talks about the aspects of components in general and provides good examples how to achieve those in .net. Although these pages are a very […]

Singelton application with C#

A singelton application is an application which only allows running one instance of itself per machine. e.g. Microsoft Outlook is a singelton application. Everytime the user starts the application it will check if an instance is already running. If its not running it will launch it otherwise it will focus to the current one. Here […]

Category: c#