TimeRange object for C#

In one of my recent .net projects (C#) I had the need to implement an object which represents a time range which is defined by a start time and an end time. In addition it should detect collision with other time ranges and check if given TimeSpans are within the time range itself. Last but not least it should support parsing time ranges from strings and format the range in a nice way. For this I’ve written a small class which could be useful for some of you out there. Continue reading

Category: c#

Funny (creative) programming comments

I was browsing Google code search the other day and stumble over some funny comments within code snippets of others. Some of them are really creative and it was good to see that its not only me and Fab who are having fun when writing some weird stuff. Programming has to be fun :) I have collected the best one below… Continue reading

JSON Utility class 1.3 released

The summer here in Austria is really hot this year and therefore I had not much time to do a lot for webdevbros. Enjoying the sun as much as possible ;) However I was very happy about getting a big amount of feedback for my JSON utility class which showed me that you guys out there are using it. Thanks for that! As a gift for that I spent some time to update the class and released a 1.3 version. Changes are the following:

  • The class can easily be used with “Option Explicit” now
  • Multidimensional arrays are supported (unlimited dimensions)

Go to the download and grab your version. It is backwards compatible so it is not a problem to override your old version .. hopefully you didnt change anything ;). Have fun with it and feedback is welcomed.

Do you know why you want to be a developer?

because you could have a lead developer like her …. ;)

pownce lead developer

So guys work hard and maybe you can join the pownce development team. There is just one question: could you really concentrate on your code? Btw pownce is a brand new community which allows you to share files amongst your friends or even the public. It is invitation only but maybe you are lucky.