
Julien Hi there, I’m a 26 year-old french dude and I finally decided today to share my web development experiences. (took me a while to realize that it’s never too late to start blogging!). My biggest and warmest thanks goes to Michal for giving me the great opportunity to be part of Web Dev Bros.

A little bit more about myself… After studying a bachelor in Computer Science in France and Ireland and few internships, I’ve worked for two research labs in the US. I specialized in developing web decision support systems for the health-care industry, and was involved in the entire development life-cycle, though programming with Java/J2EE and Flex was the part I dedicated most of my efforts and enthusiasm.

After some involvement in project acquisition and management and no technical specialization, my career path became somewhat blurred as I could not figure out if I wanted to become a project manager or stay on the technical side. Until I met Michal in Bangkok early this year, and realized how much I love coding!

Recently, I’ve concentrated my work on Rich Internet Application development (RIA), especially in the field of Knowledge Visualization. So for now, I will be mostly blogging about custom Flex component development using AS3/MXML. Blogging is very new to me, so I’m looking forward to receiving your feedback, advice and critics, and hopefully share some knowledge, ideas and interesting projects.

Besides coding, I have a wonderful wife, I enjoy travel photography, Thai cuisine, experiencing new cultures, playing Guitar Heroes on Wii, and hang out with friends…


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