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NewNew and recently updated items - in chronological order. 22.4.17
NewNew MT activity.  Re: MT Reviews Policy.  Re: EFDSS.  MT Records Catalogue Samplers. More help, please. Help!  2015 CDs now available as downloads.  Season's Greetings and Review of 2016.  MT's Sam Larner CDs win The Folklore Society Non-Print Media Award 2014 - 2016.  New article by Keith Summers. New mobile friendly MT Records website now operational.  Shipping Calculator.  New mobile friendly MT Records website. 16.4.17
A more-or-less complete compilation of past Editorial pieces in chronological order 1.1.17
New307 Articles, including all the 'paper' ones too! 22.4.17
As above, but in alphabetical order 22.4.17
78 Shorter articles on subjects of interest, concern or outrage! 20.11.16
Newof records, books, etc. 8.4.17
Newand Comment from all over ... 19.4.17
NewHave your say! 14.3.17
Choose between the full-page 'normal' CDs site, a mobile-friendly version of the same, and the Downloads page.
Phoenix Dance Band: All Fired Up (Firebird Records FBR 005) now available. Edward the Second and the Red Hot Polkas: The Early Recordings 1985-86 (MTCD405). I Wish There Was No Prisons (MTCD372).  Harry Upton: Why Can't it Always be Saturday? (MTCD371).  Travellers' Songs from England and Scotland, by Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger CD-ROM.  New MTDL downloadable CDs now available.  With online Credit/Debit Card purchasing.  All the MT CDs and CD-ROMs,  A selection of other traditional CDs, and MT back copies, + printable Order Form
The MTDL downloadable CDs page.  Here you can view and buy all of our downloadable versions of the complete catalogue up to the end of 2015.  Downloads of single CDs are £1.00 or £2.00, double CDs are £4.00, and 3-CD Sets are £6.00. 1.1.17
Try the new slimmed-down 'mobile-friendly' Records website.  You can buy all our normal CDs with booklets there, divided into the usual categories, see their tracklists, and access the Samplers page, but with few of the other extras.  But, if you're viewing this on a MAC or PC, drag your browser's window narrow to pretend it's a Smartphone. 14.9.16
The Complete MT Records Catalogue Sampler.  One track from each of the 94 CDs we've ever produced, in MP3 format, and with their track lists - starting with the most recent. 27.6.16
NewNotices of deaths and, where we have them, obituaries. 31.3.17
NewMis-heard or mis-understood phrases in folk songs 20.3.17
Dungbeetle's ballad burrowings - by Steve Gardham 27.1.15
Making good progress towards a massive project 2.3.16
Record labels, distributors, second-hand, etc. 12.10.08
Up to date - and virtually complete 1.5.14
The complete Voice of the People suite 15.9.02
to many other sites of interest 3.5.12
Where to go for a tune or a song when far from home 3.8.15
For Sale, Barter, Wanted - records, books, instruments, whatever ... 15.1.17
Lots of those lovely old pictures MT was famous for 22.7.11
Your recommendations of cheap series and exceptional one-offs … plus timeless classics and things to avoid 23.7.07
Editorial policy, contribution criteria, House Style, review guidelines, etc. 13.8.13
The past, present and future 1.1.17
How it's all arranged - get anywhere instantly! 13.8.13

Abbots Bromley, Staffs, 23rd - 25th June 2017.  16.1.17
a different kind of songbook - especially for singers.  14 songs, and growing ... 24.7.05
A straightforward guide to writing plain, simple HTML and creating your own Web pages 13.5.04
Everything you need to know about melodeons: types, keys, layouts, voicings, suitability to different musics, tips, recommendations ... 28.5.03

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The copyright and intellectual property right of everything appearing in this magazine remains with the person who wrote it.
Nothing may be reproduced without prior written permission of the author, and the citation of MT as the source.
The views expressed in all articles, reviews, etc, are those of the author of each piece, not of the Editor.
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Rod Stradling, 1 Castle Street, Stroud, Glos GL5 2HP, UK
- or, if you don't mind the fact that he's getting a bit deaf ...
Phone: 01453 759475 or Mobile: 0793 099 1641

Site designed and maintained by Musical Traditions Web Services   Updated: 22.4.17