
Like all legion branches, we strive to recognize the gratitude owed to those
who gave us the life we enjoy in this co
untry. Since the inception of our
charter in 1957, we honour the memory of our veterans, and assist them and
their families as we are able. We also donate substantially to community
& charitable causes.

Our doors are open to new members and to members and guests. Our lounge is cozy,
our games room is inviting, our boa
rd room is bright, and the Cornerstone Hall
is elegant. Built in 1976, and having undergone several upgrades over the years,
our building lends itself to many purposes, including provision of suitable venues
for meetings,parties, weddings, and banquets, and offers its availability to
you for various functions.

The busiest day of the year for us is Remembrance Day, November 11. On that
day, we hold a service at the Cenotaph downtown, and an indoor service for those
members who are physically unable to withstand the winter elements. Afterward,
we greet the colour party and all the parade participants at the front doors as
we begin to host our annual Open House.

You need not have a military background to become part of our membership.
Both the Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary are always very pleased to see people
wanting to join either of our organizations. We happily welcome volunteers to
help with the Poppy Campaign, to work bingos, or to take a place on the executive.
After all, the success of our branch rests on our membership participation,
and we invite yours!

If you like the idea of preserving the memory of those who fought on our behalf,
and of helping our veterans and their families, Branch 271 may be something for
you to consider. If you like the idea of helping charitable organizations, Branch 271
may be right for you. If you like the idea of belonging to a hospitable club with a
relaxed environment, Branch 271 may be YOUR place to BE! 

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Copyright St Albert Legion - January 01 - 2015/2016