
The behavioral marketing cloudTM


Behavioral CMS

The BounceX Core Platform


Behavioral Email

Inbox Retargeting


Behavioral Audiences

People-Based Marketing Automation


Behavioral Ads

High Impact Programmatic Advertisements

Unlock Your Highest Conversion Revenue.

From Each of Your Website Visitors.


Behavioral Automation.

Your visitors all behave differently.
Why treat them all the same?

Segmentation Engine

The segmentation engine stacks complex cohort rules and hyper-targets each visitor into strategic buckets. Our technology marries the visitor’s first party data with their actual on-site behavior to serve the perfect conversion-inducing campaigns.

White Glove
Marketing Automation

Our world-class creative team, cutting-edge developer team, and expert conversion specialists combine talents from many practices to move the needle for your business. Our campaigns never stop learning, and you never have to lift a finger.

Conversion Technology

The behavioral automation technology reads your visitors’ digital body language, targets them in real-time, and then deploys campaigns to power conversions. Find out which digital behaviors our technology looks for by applying for a personal demo.

Exit Intent Technology

Meet our first behavioral invention.

Find out how we turn abandoning visitors into valuable customers.

Here’s a little backstory. The first digital behavior we sought out to detect was predicting a visitor’s “exit-intent”. Our technology needed to know when a visitor became disengaged with your website and then was intending on bouncing, possibly to never return.

After hundreds of prototypes and iterations, we finally achieved success and were able to accurately predict on any device when a visitor was going to leave before they actually left.

Armed with the power of knowing when visitors were going to abandon your site, we had the opportunity to try everything we thought would increase conversions. We ​serve billion​s of​ impressions​ across billions in online revenue​. To find out what we learned from these ​campaigns, apply for a personal demo below.

After we unlocked “exit-intent”, we started looking at what other behaviors we could detect from users and how their browsing experiences could be enhanced for maximum conversion revenue.

Copyright Ronny Ritschel /

Digital Body Language

Intelligent Behavioral Technology.

  • Your individual visitors are telling you a compelling story with their digital behavior.
  • Some exhibit engagement and conversion intent, while others convey disengagement patterns.
  • It’s time to reengage the abandoners, nudge procrastinators, and keep the high-intents on the conversion track.

Conversion Strategy

Your Business Objectives.
Our Custom Uplift Roadmap.

  • Maximize your revenue per visitor by leveraging insights from the 3 billion behavioral impressions we run across our network weekly.
  • Customized automation unique to your business, your site and your real time audience.
  • Let’s give time back to your internal team. Implementation, building, and iteration is our responsibility.

Progressive Impact

We Don’t Empower Marketers.
We Empower Your Bottom Line.

  • Do you want on-site marketing automation leveraging behavioral segments built to increase conversion rates?
  • Are you ready to see a clear return on investment, backed by hard numbers that break business records?
  • There are no magic wands. There are no silver bullets. There is BounceX.

Interested in Pricing*
and a FREE Demo?

Get A Demo & Custom Pricing

*All pricing is on a SaaS basis, which is a simple flat monthly rate. Pricing is typically determined by data calls among other factors.
BounceX serves Fortune 1000 enterprise companies and fast growing VC-backed firms.
To get a custom quote, click the link below.

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How it Works.

Push Button.

If you are reading this, you didn’t push play yet.

Get Your FREE Behavioral Audit

Are you a person?