Fairfax Media Case Study: Expedia Brand Study

Expedia partnered with Fairfax Media to increase awareness of their travel site. This was achieved through high impact full page video executions on the homepages and Traveller section of The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, Brisbane Times and WA Today.

Campaign Objectives:

  • To drive awareness of Expedia
  • To drive consideration of using Expedia when booking travel
  • To promote Expedia as the site that provides all travel options in one place

Campaign Period:

May 7th - 26th, 2013

Target Audience:

People aged 18-64 years who intend to take a short or long trip in the next 12 months

Research Methodology:

A simultaneous capture of control / exposed sample was employed with invitation to complete an online survey launched via site intercept methodology.

Creative Execution:

The Expedia campaign was executed as a masthead homepage and article full page (video countdown) daily buyout and complimented with integration into the Traveller South East Asia and Europe region pages through the Chameleon & M-Rec placement.

The Results:

  • Overall, the campaign did exceptionally well in meeting its objective across the total exposed sample with strong upward lifts across aided brand awareness, online advertising recall, brand favourability and brand consideration.
  • The campaign outperformed norms in terms of brand consideration, with the uplift for consideration being in the top 20% of online travel campaigns when compared to global benchmark norms for this category.
  • The campaign also performed very strongly amongst those exposed to the homepage / article buyouts with strong lifts in aided brand awareness and brand favourability and significant lift in consideration of usage of the Expedia website.
  • The campaign also performed strongly among the target audience who were exposed to the homepage / article buyouts, with a significant lift in brand consideration of +13% points.
  • The overall campaign achieved its objective of significantly improving perceptions of Expedia as the site that provides all travel options in one place.
  • The campaign also directionally improved perceptions of Expedia as helping people discover what’s possible out there and offering great value on flights and hotels.
  • The creative strongly resonated with both the total and target audience on the masthead homepages / article buyouts, with perceptions of Expedia as the site that provides all the travel options in one place and as the brand that helps people discover what’s possible out there, showing significant improvements after exposure to the advertising.
  • The campaign did a great job of significantly shifting perceptions of Expedia as the destination for all things travel.
Source: Dynamic Logic Advertising Effectiveness Research June 2013