Yasmeen SerhanOvěřený účet


news fellow . still looking for decent kanafeh in the district. send help: yserhan@theatlantic.com

by the coffee
Připojil se říjen 2009


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  1. Připnutý tweet
    25. 1.

    Let's play two truths and an alternative fact

  2. před 8 minutami
    Odpověď uživateli

    Macron: The U.S. is turning its back on the world, but France is not turning its back on the U.S.

  3. před 8 minutami

    Macron: When it comes to the planet, there is no plan B

  4. před 58 minutami

    Macron will make a statement in 10 minutes about Trump's decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Accord

  5. před 1 hodinou

    This Der Spiegel cover is even more funny now that it was in November

  6. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 1 hodinou

    has stopped giving fucks and gone all in

  7. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 2 hodinami

    It's not just Manchester—turns out there's a whole history of mosques refusing to bury terrorists by

  8. před 2 hodinami

    An imam at Manchester's Central Mosque told me it "cannot offer prayers over someone who has committed such an act.”

  9. před 2 hodinami
  10. před 2 hodinami

    y'all know climate change threatens the world's coffee supply. I take this very, very seriously

  11. před 2 hodinami
  12. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 3 hodinami

    I'd make a Titanic joke but I guess there won't be icebergs

  13. před 3 hodinami

    Remember when Macron invited Americans working on climate change to go to Europe?

  14. před 4 hodinami
  15. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 4 hodinami

    you vs. the guy she told you not to worry about (sorry -- had to do it)

  16. před 7 hodinami

    “Hackers are free people, just like artists who wake up in the morning in a good mood and start painting." 🤔

  17. před 7 hodinami

    Trump's presidency is unprecedented in many ways. But in others, it's remarkably consistent. Case in point:

  18. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    31. 5.

    Leaving Paris does *not* alter any US rules on greenhouse-gas emissions—since Trump mostly nixed those in March.

  19. 31. 5.

    CO·VFE·FE • ˈkəvˈfefe/ noun how one spells "coffee" before having had any

  20. 31. 5.

    CO·VFE·FE • ˈkəvˈfefe/ noun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  21. 30. 5.

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