Good Weekend

Benjamin Law

Writer, author of The Family Law and Gaysia

Benjamin Law.

Trash TV

I don't trust people who don't have some trash in their TV-viewing diet.

Benjamin Law.

Book awards

Literary awards don't make authors rich, but they do help readers discover local treasures.

Benjamin Law.

Learning Auslan

After my first class, I recall the sign for "embarrassed".

Benjamin Law.

Public speaking

Prepare, show up and feel free to freak out a little if necessary.

Benjamin Law.

Gay uncles

I'm not going to pretend I'm essential. But there's one thing gay uncles can offer.

Illustration by Simon Letch.

Being agnostic

To say you're agnostic feels like a cop-out, but I'm a spiritual fence-sitter.

Benjamin Law.

I protest

What protesting gives you is reassurance: you are not insane.

Benjamin Law.

Clothing yourself

For most of my life, clothes haven't fit. As a kid, I was so thin you could fit a clenched fist under my ribs when I inhaled. There was something a tad "developing world" about my look; seeing me probably reminded people of famine.